Following Donald Trump’s ‘Super Tuesday’ win of eight US states in the primary contests, the question of what a Trump presidency would mean for Israel is being discussed. He told CNN, ‘As president there is nothing I would rather do than to bring peace to Israel and its neighbours. I may not be successful in doing the toughest negotiation in the world, so it doesn’t help if I start saying I’m very pro-Israel.’ Trump has also expressed scepticism over achieving a two-state solution, and said he would know within his first six months in office whether a deal can be made. His deepest tie to the Jewish community comes from his daughter, Ivanka, who converted to Judaism before marrying Jared Kushner. Meanwhile, Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan who has a long history of anti-Semitism, recently praised Trump for his refusal to take ‘Jewish money’ as Farrakhan backed his presidency campaign.

This week our co-worker here returned from a nearby country where there are countless Syrian refugees. He and his team went to the refugee camps to talk to and pray for the people there. He could not believe the spiritual openness and hunger! He said that probably half of those they talked to had had dreams of Isa (Jesus) ! They were able to share the love of God with these hurting people. They also saw God perform miracles of healing as this team ministered to the people there. What an opportunity! Pray for God to open more and more hearts and lives!

Many of these refugees have never heard the gospel and now they are in more open places like Lebanon and Europe where we have an incredible opportunity to share the good news with them!

  • Every single day refugees are pouring into Europe. Some are dying or being sent away, but many, many are still seeking to go.
  • There are 7.6 million internally displaced Syrians and 4 million refugees outside Syria. That's 51% of the Syrian population!
  • 36% of the refugees are children.
  • Sex-traffickers are luring people by meeting needs, sometimes by simply providing phone charging stations.
  • Most workers in this area are predicting an even greater outpouring of refugees in the coming months from Iraq, Syria Yemen and other places.

Pray Psalm 142 for refugees!
"I cry aloud to the Lord; I lift up my voice to the Lord for mercy. I pour out before him my complaint; I tell him my trouble. When my spirit grows faint within me, it is you who watch over my way. In the path where I walk people have hidden a snare for me. Look, there is no one at my right hand; no one is concerned for me. I have no refuge; no one cares for my life. I cry to you, Lord; I say, “You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living.” Listen to my cry, for I am in desperate need; rescue me from those who pursue me, for they are too strong for me. Set me free from my prison, that I may praise your name. Then the righteous will gather about me because of your goodness to me."

Partnering Strategies:

Unie in Prayer daily at 11:55 am

STOP what you are busy with,
FOCUS on the Lord and 
LISTEN to what He is saying to you,
FINISH with the LORD'S PRAYER at 12 noon.

Prayer Watch
Spending the 4th Watch (3 am - 6 am) as a watchman on the wall. Listening to the Lord, building relationships, and recording what the Lord is speaking. 

Inherit the Nations
Prayer Teams partnering with Field Teams focused on 250 unreached people groups for a year of focused prayer. 

  • JOIN THE MONTHLY CALL TO PRAY FOR THE REGION OF THE MONTH!March 10, 2016 (2nd Thursday) at 7:00 am – 8:00 am7am CST/1pm GMT
  • To Join Online:
  • To Join by Phone: Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for instructions. 

*  That Jews throughout the world will have revelation about the One portrayed in the Psalm 22; that they will “pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the Morning Star arises in their hearts!”

*  For Orthodox Jewish women—who spend much of each day reading rapidly through the Psalter—yet without understanding.  Pray that they will slow down and pay attention as they read this and other Messianic Psalms.  Pray that the Spirit of Truth will awaken them to Whom  they are referring. 

*  That even as Gentiles saw a light from heaven which drew them into paths leading from the far East to Bethlehem, present-day Israelis will be guided by the light of God’s grace—by Yeshua—Ayelet haShahar—into the path of truth and righteous. 

“The path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until the full day” (Proverbs 4:18).

“The god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the Good News of the glory of Messiah, who is the image of God”  (II Corinthians 4:4).

“God’s own purpose and grace which was given to us in Messiah Yeshua before time began…has now been revealed by the appearing of our Saviour Yeshua the Anointed One, who has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the Good News”  (II Timothy 1:9-10). 

*Exodus 32:11-13.    “Then Moses pleaded with the LORD his God [Hebrew: ‘yearned after the face of YHVH his God’] and said, ‘LORD, why does Your wrath burn hot against Your people…Turn from Your fierce wrath and relent from this harm to Your people.  Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, Your servants to whom You swore by Your own self, and said to them, “I will multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven; and all this land that I have spoken of I give to your seed, and they shall inherit it forever.”’”  In Exodus 32:32 Moses continues to stand in the gap, pleading that they be forgiven for their sin. 

PLEASE PRAY:  for spiritual leaders to have the zeal, unction, love and grace to seek the face of God on behalf of errant Israel; to prevail in intercession to turn away His just wrath that His eternal will for her will be fulfilled on earth as it is in heaven.

*Exodus 32:19.  “So it was, as soon as he came near the camp, that he saw the calf and the dancing.  So Moses’ anger became hot, and he cast the tablets out of his hands and broke them at the foot of the mountain.”

PLEASE PRAY:   for the souls (Psalm 25:1, 20) of Israeli spiritual leaders—that they not be controlled by their emotions—that they allow the Holy Spirit to work His self-control. There is a place for godly zeal, but the “anger of man does not work the righteousness of God” (James 1:20).  It would be an eruption of this same anger some time later which would in the end bar Moses from entering the Promised Land.

PLEASE PRAY:   For Israeli believers, in all the rush and hurry, to go beyond ‘head knowledge’ of the Law and the Prophets and the Gospel—and avail themselves of the privilege of setting aside a ‘place’ for private, intimate times Face to Face with God!

*Exodus 33:15.   “Then he said to Him, ‘If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here…”  Here the word “presence” is literally “Face”.  Psalm 44:3 says, “It was not by our sword that we took the land, nor did our arm bring us the victory; it was your right hand, your arm, and the Light of Your Face, for You loved us!”

*Exodus 33:13, 18.  “Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight.  And consider that this nation is Your people….Please, show me Your glory.” 

PLEASE PRAY:  for leaders in Israel (both believers and those still secular), to like Moses be moved to call on the LORD for guidance to be shown His way.  Pray that we find grace in His sight, that our leadership will be fueled and heartened by longings after his Glory and glimpses of His Beauty (Psalm 27:4).

 Martin and Norma Sarvis <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

United Cry DC16 is a concerted effort to gather pastors, church leaders and intercessors, to help reclaim America's future through a bride that is re-firing in prayer and obedience to our God in the Lord Jesus Christ.   None is looking for an event, but for fully embracing His Kingdom come, His will be done, ongoing beyond any one day. We rejoice in the many ways God is moving this year. God bless the Kingdom work you are all doing for His great glory.   

See the link below and please forward to help invite those the Lord will assemble:

There is a great hope to stream some from Azusa Street for the CALL with Lou Engle, also on Saturday, 4/9.  Then coast to coast, east to west, the church of America is united on our knees.

United Cry DC16 seeks to assemble mostly from east of the Missisippi River, though the whole nation is invited to help bring a tithe of pastors-churches, 10% of the 300,000 churches in America.  Spread the word, save the date, pray…for the tithe…

Contending for Christ together,

Lisa Crump

Chief Operating Officer

National Day of Prayer Task Force

Cell: 719.482.8777

Office:  719.559.9573

Excerpts from report By Luis and Doris Bush

Missions to China have been going on for the last 200 years. Now is the time for Missions from China. We have been inspired by the Korean Church as they have engaged in missions for the last fifteen years. Mission China 2030 is the turning point because of the revival of the Church in China, because of the eighty million Chinese Christians in China. If there is one missionary in 1,000 Christians, there will be 80,000 missionaries. Furthermore, China's economic development has brought opportunities. The global technology revolution has brought opportunity for mission from China. Migration of the world's population brings opportunities. Universal Chinese network brings opportunity. This is the time to move together in faith.

"Our dream in a Song: Mission China finally achieved: In our generation fulfill the Great Commission; greet the return of Christ! We have a dream, a missionary dream. We have a dream, a dream from heaven. This is us, and we look forward to many years of dreams. Our dream embodies the missionary dream which brings with it blood and tears. Let's go out with a mission to each country."

Declaration of China Mission 2030

The declaration affirmed the following statements:

  • We are called to be a servant of Jesus Christ. The Bible is the foundation of our faith tells us that missionary mandate, but also refers to lead our missionary action. Gospel Back to Jerusalem vision is to continue to advance the gospel westward. We aspire to be committed to preach the gospel overseas, hand in hand with the universal Church, sending out missionaries to the unreached peoples, until the Lord returns.
  • A Mission China 2030 mission conference to be held each year to mobilize traditional home Church court, team-based house churches, city new house churches to Christian groups and professionals involved in world evangelization.
  • Release missionary publications to record the vision that readers may run with it.
  • Missionary Workshops to promote discussions related development mission God. Learn, discuss mission strategy, tracking missionary dynamic, exchange missionary experiences, and for helping missionary work.
  • Promote missionary prayer through a missionary prayer movement.
  • Nurture Mission capacity. Mission is a long-term comprehensive ministry; we must develop in various fields. Mission specialists, including missionary strategist, Missions Mobilization home. Missionary training of teachers, education, administration personnel, mission type pastors.
  • Raise up missionary churches. We seek to cultivate a missionary movement that has many strong mission-minded and mission oriented churches.
  • Development of mission trips. Continue to mobilize Chinese church into the missionary field, we expect Chinese church pastors and faith Christians, along with experience in the mission field ministry.
  • Development of the mission field focus. The 10/40 Window is our primary focus with other religions and many poor people.
  • Establish a mission network. We are willing to go on the road and collaborate with the missionary Church of the West, the South Korea Church, overseas Chinese churches, as well as other countries in the world. We are prepared to learn, seek guidance and help, and with overseas churches and missions. We look forward to agencies coming together to complete the mission mandate.
  • Carry out the business mission. Use "on the way" business opportunities arising from the development of business education model, and existing Chinese business endeavors that have begun. We seek to mobilize Christian businessmen, entrepreneurs with business to enter the mission field.

Conclusion: The trumpet is sounding. Now is the time. Now is the opportunity. Our Chinese brothers and sisters have come together and agreed on the vision the strategy and joint declaration of commitment. But what about us, those of us from other nations, are we ready to join them in their mission as partners? May it be so…

Let’s pray for our Chinese brothers and sisters in Christ and for the success of this marvelous mission effort they are undertaking according to the elements of the declaration above.

Uniting as one, appealing to heaven to change the spiritual climate in our nation.

As One is a national call to prayer. The basic strategy revolves around two 40-day periods of prayer walking, fasting, and corporate prayer events. The first will start on Easter Sunday, March 27 and run through the National Day of Prayer on May 5.  The second begins on September 30 and ends on Election Day. In addition, there will be much collaboration with major national prayer events that are happening throughout the year.

Here is how it works:

  1) Join the 40-day Prayer Challenge and receive a daily prayer guide via email.

  2) Adopt Your Street in Prayer.

  3) Find or Host a Prayer Gathering on the National Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 5.

“So that with one mind and one voice, you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” - Romans 15:6

Go to for more information and a 40-day prayer guide to share with your prayer group and church to see His transformation come to your neighborhood, zip code and our nation.

Praying with and for Native Peoples

We are asking you to prayerfully consider joining us in keeping a 40 day prayer vigil for our tribal nations.

See the Intro below and we have attached the daily prayers and repentance points to consider daily.

Blessings to you for your faithfulness,

Ivan and Linda Doxtator

First Nations Counseling Ministries 

Forty Day Prayer Vigil Beginning With Ash Wednesday

Our Covenant-keeping God

This prayer vigil will focus on several things. First, we will center on the Lamb of God and His covenant with mankind which offers His life and salvation to all.  Entering into the season of Lent, as we meditate on Christ’s sacrifice for us on the cross, we come before His throne with our prayers of repentance and healing for ourselves, and our families.

This year however, in preparing for celebrating the transforming power of Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection in our lives our hearts are heavy for the grievous declining condition of our nation.  Therefore, we are also focusing on the state of the church and the spiritual repercussions surely affecting our nation. 

In bringing our prayers and petitions before the Lord, often times we neglect to consider the holy character and nature of our God.  In ignorance of His divine integrity we fail to realize that our spiritual fathers, by their actions, attitudes, and failures have profaned His holy name.  As result of their past participation with unscrupulous federal policy initiatives we are beginning to reap the results of the seeds of lawlessness and corruption sown over the last two hundred years.

We have failed as a church to adequately represent God’s holy name and nature to the Indigenous populations of our once highly favored and prosperous nation.  As a consequence over 90 percent of America’s Native people view Christianity as a part of European strategy to destroy and decimate their ancestors and steal their God-given resources and land.

Although many claim we are a Christian nation, our nation is not reflective of His nature and His person.  This is an outcome that can be laid at the feet of His church, which has historically neglected    to stand up for God’s righteousness and justice to prevail, beginning with the Indigenous people of America. 

As an act of repentance we ask you to join us in bringing the many Indigenous Nations before our Father in heaven.  We are uniting to ask Him to forgive His church for their role in decimating, destroying, and disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of Native people during the founding, expansion, and development of our nation.

As a consequence of egocentric poverty inducing federal policies many tribal communities continue to exist in destitute third world living conditions.  After a hundred years of injustice and oppression they remain a forgotten people within our nation.  Isaiah said that “no one calls for justice” and that “the Lord saw it and it displeased Him that there was no justice.” (Isa. 59:4,15)

During this season of prayer and travail we want to stand in the gap for the church which collaborated with the federal government in acts so horrendous that even to this day America’s Indigenous nations are deafened to hearing of a merciful God who loves them. 

Instead, with suspicion, they push away the message of salvation, healing, and divine blessing.  Ask God to grant us the revelation and strength to carry out justice in this matter.  As we repent ask Him to lead us in bearing fruits worthy of repentance.  Let us seek His forgiveness in this matter and ask Him to have mercy upon us and our nation. Let’s pray As Daniel prayed:

And I, Daniel, set my face to the Lord God to seek Him by prayer and supplications, with fasting and sack-cloth and ashes; And I prayed to the Lord my God and made confession, and said, O Lord the great and dreadful God, Who keeps covenant, mercy and loving-kindness with those who love Him and keep His commandments, we have sinned and dealt perversely and done wickedly and have rebelled turning aside from Your commandments and ordinances. Neither have we listened to and heeded Your servants the prophets, who spoke in Your name to our kings, our princes, and our fathers, and to all the people of the land....” (Daniel 9:3 -14)

When the first man was placed in the garden and chose to be disobedient, God revealed His character of being a covenant-keeping God.  He came along side man and provided the sacrifice and garments to cover man's nakedness. 

He gave man the promise that although Satan had bruised the heel of man, Adam’s descendants would eventually crush the head of Satan.  God knew even then that man was incapable of fulfilling that destiny without His help. 

In His master plan God, through the blood sacrifice of His Son, restored man’s authority through Christ, empowering man to overcome, enter into intimate relationship with Him, and to participate with Him in redeeming the people groups of this world.  It is with this message of the kingdom that we join with our heavenly Father to see Him bring healing to our nation.

We must remember that never has God instructed His people to bring others to Christ through the use of force, threats, or other manipulative or intrusive techniques.  It is by pure preaching and teaching of the word and demonstrating His great love that potential believers are brought into the kingdom. 

As believers our responsibility is to speak the truth and warn of the consequences of following false religious systems or occult practices.  In the final day each person will give an account for their own religious beliefs or spiritual pursuits.  The importance of remembering this is critical.

Therefore, it is very serious when believers who claim to follow Christ, exhibit the opposite of His character.  It profanes His name.  It also makes the effort of the evangelist almost impossible in persuading one to desire a relationship with Christ.  Many within the church remain unaware of the horrid and treacherous track record of the church in America as it relates to the over 580 surviving Indigenous Nations in the U.S. today. 

For us to achieve spiritual breakthrough, to even have God begin to hear our prayers, the church must identify and repent of the sins of our church fathers.  This applies to all Christian groups, whether they be Charismatic, Pentecostal, denominational, or traditional.  In this prayer vigil we are bringing to remembrance the sins perpetrated against Native Americans, the tribal groups God appointed as the ancient people to steward and guard the gates of what has become the United States and Canada. 

Part of our hidden history sheds light on the Indian Boarding Schools and governmental policies that required Native families to give their children over to Christian organizations to methodically assimilate them into what was perceived as the melting pot of America.  Extensive documentation substantiates the church's collaboration with the federal government to use religious education as a key tool to culturalize and Christianize Native youth.

Forcefully removing children from their parents and using predatory and abusive methods and approaches, the priests, nuns, preachers, and ministry staff and personnel regularly punished children if they dared speak their language or even mention the traditional religious ways of their people. 

Besides using violent methods to silence the voice of the children, there was an all-out religious assault on the tribal belief systems the children brought with them to Boarding School.  Reports tell us that physical, sexual abuse and other daily hardships were merely a backdrop to a systematic assault on Native culture. 

Sad to say, almost all documentation of the Boarding School era identifies the church and its leadership as active participants in violating the God-given rights of Native children to freely speak their language and to practice their religion.  All the commandment violating procedures were condoned and carried out in the name of Christ by those claiming to be members of His Church. 

The grievous violating, intrusive, and abusive activity practiced by our spiritual forerunners must be acknowledged and confessed by the body of Christ.  We must stand in the gap for the church of North America and the future of our nation.  The justice God requires in such matters can only begin in prayer and intercession.

Over 370 treaties or covenants were made and broken by our government, yet we as a nation claim to worship the covenant-keeping God.  The tribal nations selected for this prayer vigil are few, but all were consistently deceived, defrauded, and betrayed by the empty promises of our government.  And it happened in the midst of God’s chief agent for justice and righteousness in the earth, Christ’s church.

The shedding of innocent blood occurred all too often when whole villages were decimated with children, women, and elderly being murdered by vengeance consumed soldiers or militiamen.  Yet, the tribal survivors of such atrocities, though a remnant, still remain a vital part of our nation. 

Although seemingly invisible they are testimony of a painful past, yet their resiliency and continued existence betrays the present assumed reality of America.  Whether we want to acknowledge them or not, their pain, suffering, and grief resonate in the heart of God.   

We pray that the 3rd world conditions that the First Nations people have endured for far too long will be brought to light and that true justice will finally prevail for their benefit.  Ask God to peel back the mantle of invisibility that has shielded their suffering from merciful intrusions. 

Petition our God to penetrate and dissolve the demonic conspiracy that has silenced the Native voice with hopelessness.  Ask God to remove the cloak of shame that has smothered the strength of their identity and sabotaged their destiny for over 170 years.

Ask God to open the eyes of His church to see the reality of impending judgment upon our nation and its future generations.  Pray that His church will not miss this present opportunity to execute true justice towards the poverty stricken tribal nations of America as His ambassadors of liberty and healing.

Ask God to open the ears of His church to hear the cry of the poor in the case of the many wounded and downtrodden tribal groups.  Pray that church leadership will be reminded that God promises to hear the cry of those who themselves hear the cry of the poor (Prov. 21:13) and that they will quickly and diligently respond with mercy and justice.  

Only God can show us how to rectify this in His sight, but we have an opportunity to be “repairers of the breach” through our intercession at this time. 

Islamic State is likely to step up “the pace and lethality” of its attacks in the months ahead as it seeks to fan the flames of international conflict, the director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency said on Monday.

Speaking to a security conference, Marine Corps Lieutenant General Vincent Stewart linked his warning to the militant group’s establishment of “emerging branches” in Mali, Tunisia, Somalia, Bangladesh and Indonesia.

He also said he would not be surprised if Islamic State, which has created a self-proclaimed Caliphate across swaths of Syria and Iraq, extended its operations from the Sinai Peninsula deeper into Egypt.

“Last year, Daesh remained entrenched on Iraqi and Syrian battlefields and expanded globally to Libya, Sinai, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and the Caucasus,” Stewart said, using a derisive Arabic acronym for Islamic State.

“Daesh is likely to increase the pace and lethality of its transnational attacks because it seeks to unleash violent actions and to provoke a harsh reaction from the West, thereby feeding its distorted narrative” of a Western war against Islam, he said.

Stewart’s comments came a day before he and other U.S. intelligence officials are set to deliver an annual worldwide threat assessment to Congress.

The Sunni Muslim militant group seeks not only to escalate conflict with the West, but also with Islam’s minority Shiite branch, just as Shiite extremist groups like Lebanon’s Hezbollah are stoking tensions with Sunnis, Stewart said.

“These threats are exacerbated by the security challenges of the Middle East, which is now facing one of the most dangerous and unpredictable periods in the last decade,” he said.

Islamic State has as many as 25,000 fighters in Syria and Iraq, down from a previous estimate of up to 31,000, according to a U.S. intelligence report revealed by the White House last week.

U.S. officials cited factors such as battlefield casualties and desertions to explain the roughly 20 percent decrease in fighters, and said the report showed a U.S.-led campaign to crush Islamic State was making progress.(Contributor: By Jonathan Landay for Reuters News – Editing by Warren Strobel and Tom Brown)

Pray into this sobering assessment of terrorist dangers, not only across the world, but also for the U.S. Pray for military leaders. Retired officers are warning about an insufficient infantry, fewer naval ships, women in ground combat, and our overall unpreparedness to defeat a growing ISIS army. Will our diminished military stand up against this growing threat? Intercede for all military personnel.

“Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand?” (Luke 14:31)

Prayer Partner, 

I recently attended the National Prayer Committee meeting in Orlando, FL, where prayer leaders from around the nation gathered to pray and share reports of what God is doing. Four years ago, I remember a lot of discouragement among the leaders. It seemed the prayer movement was stagnant and struggling. One prayer leader, Dr. Bob Bakke, stood up and declared that the Church needs a unifying clarion call to revival and spiritual awakening.

These prayer leaders are now expressing joy that we are seeing the answers to those prayers, especially related to Together 2016. They recognize this as a “generation-defining moment” and are eager to join with students and young adults in calling the Church to prayer like never before. Many other prayer initiatives are also rising up across the nation, indicating that God is preparing to do something spectacular in 2016. As we pray, hope is being restored!

Our focus this month is on college students and campuses around the country. Right now hundreds of students are fasting and praying for a Reset to Jesus of their campuses and our nation...

Praise God for the support of national prayer leaders for Together. Pray that they will mobilize their networks to pray in advance of July 16.

  • Keep praying for a million or more people to come to the Mall. We’re hearing reports of buses and hotel rooms being booked. Pray about joining us!
  • Michael W. Smith just confirmed to be part of Together. His humble heart is a model for all of us. Pray that humility and the focus on Jesus will be the highest values for those who lead us.
  • Pray for endurance, patience, and wisdom for those on the Together team who lead areas of communication, program, funding, partnerships, church relations, prayer, and logistics. Every day presents both challenges and progress in organizing such a huge event.
  • Several wonderful financial gifts have come in to support Together. More invitations to partner are still out with other potential contributors. Please pray for favor—and for every expense to be covered.
  • Pray for Nick Hall and Chris McFarland as they give critical leadership and meet with heads of many ministries and organizations. Pray also for other staff now relocated to Washington, D.C., to form partnerships with churches in the area. We want this to represent the broad stream of the Church—anyone willing to come together because they believe Jesus Changes Everything. 

Honored to pray with you,

Carol Madison

National Prayer Initiative