One of the regional prayer strategies developed at the launch of the IPC in South Africa in 2002 has developed into a strong, annual assembly of prayer and ministry leaders from all eleven countries of Southeast Asia. This video records the wonderful things that have developed through this ongoing association. Praise God and enjoy!

Dear Prayer Network Leaders and Friends, 

As you may already know, on July 26-30, 2016, we are calling for a global UPRISING-- that is, United Prayer Rising-- in Seoul, South Korea. With the global crisis this generation is facing and the attacks on them, we believe that it's time to gather, it's time to pray, and it's time to see change in our regions and our nations. We see the convergence of generations in united prayer can potentially reverse the crisis, and even potentially give birth to new prayer and missions movements and even a Jesus Movement all over the world. Also, on July 29, a worship-intercession will be held at the DMZ Peace Plaza (the border of North and South Korea) to pray against division, and agree with our Korean brothers in prayer for the unification of Korea. 

To hear more about the vision, watch this:

We are looking for partners in your region who can help us mobilize the next generation of leaders to come to South Korea on July to receive a fresh vision for their generation, receive impartation from the older generation, get connected with other emerging leaders from all over the world, and partner with the Holy Spirit in releasing God's glory among the nations. 

We are targeting at least 100-120 emerging leaders to come from each region. So, if you can partner with us, we would like to ask for you to please:

1. Sponsor the cost of registration, airfare, accommodation, and food for  3-5 representatives (emerging leaders) from your own network to come to the UPRISING. (Watch out for the Early Bird Registration opening this December!)

2. Call or email your network of leader-friends who also have the same desire to see the next generation rise to their destiny of being catalysts for change, and introduce/ endorse us to them. 

3. Send us a list of young leaders/mobilizers in your region whom you think will be willing to help us see this generation to be the Ps 24 generation God has been waiting for. Please send their names, organization/affiliation, country/region, email addresses, and contact numbers. 

        i.e: Sarah Torres 

              Jesus Revolution Now

              Philippines/ Southeast Asia

              This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


We would appreciate receiving your list so we can reach them in time for the early bird registration.

4. Give. We invite you to make a contribution toward the vision of the UPRISING; to sow into this new wave of revival that's coming to the nations (see UPRISING budget attached). Should you need bank details, you may send me an email (donations are tax-deductible). This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

5. Pray. Pray. Pray. We value your prayers a lot. 

For more info, you may visit 

Thank you so much and God bless you beyond your heart's desires. 

For God and this generation,

Rev. Jerome S. Ocampo

Global Convener

UPRISING 2016 South Korea

World Youth Prayer Assembly Executive Team planning meetings in Manila

A gathering of youth ministry leaders along with key Korean pastors, other internationals and IPC leadership team folks meet in Manila, Nov. 3-6, as the Executive Team to plan important aspects of the UPRISING: the World Youth Prayer Assembly that will happen next July 26-30 in South Korea. God did answer the prayers of many for a very productive, united time together, a good sense of His bonding as a team under the expert leadership of Pastor Jerome Ocampo and his colleagues in the Jesus Revolution, a youth ministry organization that is helping to plan and organize the event.

In those three days, we made progress on the flow of the program, the speakers to invite (for both Track and Plenary sessions) that will happen during the first 3 days of Prayer Convergence. We also discussed the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea) solemn assembly for the 4th day of the convergence. In this one day gathering at the border (at the Peace Plaza), it will be like a Worship Concert but really a worship intercession time. As Jerome put it, “I remember that 65 years ago, nations came to help South Korea push back the war to the border. Today we metaphorically saying that the next generation of leaders from all over the world will come again, this time to push the spiritual boundaries of disunity and pray for unification and unity. The target audience on this last day can be 5,000 to 10,000 people…We request your prayers as we, both youth leaders from different nations and the older leaders of prayer movements continue to conceptualize how we can ignite a grassroots movement of the emerging generation on prayer, evangelism, destiny, and transformation.”

We also need His breakthrough financially just as He provided for the World Prayer Assembly in such an amazing and wonderful way so that every expense was covered. About one-third of the amount He provided for the WPA will be necessary for the WYPA. What a bargain to see the world fundamentally transformed by a rising younger generation from every region on earth, who will keep on serving Christ and making an impact for decades to come! Please join us in trusting for the little over $1 million USD necessary to cover the cost.

Thanks for joining with us in this effort to help encourage, mentor and raise up the next generation of leadership in His Body around the world.

(Biblical Pattern for Intercession from Genesis 18:16 -33)

The story of Abraham’s intercession for his nephew Lot in Genesis 18, is the first recorded instance of a major intercession in the Bible. If we followed the hermeneutic principle of first mention – I believe, this story sets the tone and the trend for intercession in the rest of the Bible.

The first thing to note in the story is that intercession was initiated by God. It began with God revealing his will for Sodom and Gomorrah. Intercession is not born as a result of man’s burden or concern. It is God’s burden that he shares with man and invites us to partner with him in bringing his will to pass on earth. God must show his will. He must put the burden into our hearts. He must give us the right words to pray for. Only then true intercession is possible. But, why does God reveal his will to us?

God reveals his will because of the covenants he made with Adam at the beginning and later with Abraham. The Adamic covenant is the covenant of authority he gave to Adam over the earth. “And God blessed them. And God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth." (Gen 1:28-29). I believe, it is because of this covenant, whenever God chooses to do anything significant on earth he shows it to someone somewhere and awaits their participation in his plans. While God could and does work without the mediatorship of man but because of the Adamic covenant he chooses to work through man’s mediation. And this is because man has a unique position in all of creation. He is both a material and a spiritual being. As a spiritual being he can connect with God and as a material being he connects with creation. Therefore God chooses to work through man upon earth.  Abrahamic covenant is about blessing the nations of the world, “in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Genesis 12:3. God reveals His will so that we can participate in His plans (Amos 3:7).

Who does God reveal his will to? We notice in the Genesis story, that God revealed his will to Abraham regarding his plans for Sodom and Gomorrah because of his intimacy with him. Listen to what God expresses regarding Abraham, “The Lord said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do, seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? For I have chosen him, that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice, so that the Lord may bring to Abraham what he has promised him.” The basis for this revelation was clearly God’s intimacy and trust in Abraham. God was saying, in effect, having come to visit Abraham and having shared a meal with him in his home and knowing the kind of man Abraham is, how can I hide from Abraham, what I am about to do in his neighborhood?

We read in verse 22, “…but Abraham still stood before the Lord.” But the NIV in its footnote for the verse tells us that some ancient manuscripts have, “…but the Lord remained standing before Abraham.” Some scholars think that this is a more accurate rendering of the verse. The first translators probably thought that it was scandalous to think of God standing before man, hence a more conciliatory rendering. But God, standing before Abraham was more about God inviting Abraham to respond to what he has said regarding Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham did not fail God. He responded through intercession.

Next, look at Abraham’s intercession? First, he acknowledges his creatureliness before God and then pleads with God making God’s character the argument for his pleading, “…Shall not the Judge of all the earth do what is just?” All intercession must be based upon the character of God as revealed to us in his word and through his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. (Genesis 1: 28-30; Genesis 12: 2-3; Psalm 2:1-11; Psalm 115:16; Matthew 28:18-20; Ephesians 1: 19-23).

In the final analysis, intercession is the exercise of our delegated authority in Christ over the nations of the world. This authority is given to us both in Adam and Abraham and later in Jesus Christ. It is an authority given to us both in creation and in redemption. I think the church of today hardly understands nor knows how to exercise her authority in Christ. The sad result is the enslavement of millions to different kinds of bondages, to sin and to evil.  God’s authority is not demonstrated through politics or by economics and not at all through military might. It comes through a life of intimacy with God, of rectitude and of prayer.

But such exercise of authority through intercession depends upon our discernment of God’s will in a given situation. Such discernment is contingent upon our intimacy with God. As Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise. For the Father loves the Son and shows him all that he himself is doing.” John 5:19, 20.

It is also significant to note here that Abraham did not pray for Sodom and Gomorrah. While he pleaded for God’s justice, he did not plead for God’s mercy! It is evident that Abraham was not trying to change God’s mind regarding his judgment upon the wicked and their wickedness. His concern was for God’s justice and the righteous living there. Abraham probably knew that for the sake of the righteous God might spare the cities. But alas, there were not enough of them. I believe that the one who knows God intimately also knows what to ask God for and what not to.

There is a great dearth today, of those who know God as revealed in his word and through his Son, Jesus Christ. The dearth is also of knowing him in his Trinity and knowing him in his incarnation. A right understanding of God, especially his tri-personality, is crucial to understanding about the nature of being, world, human life, individual, marriage, family, society, church, missions, tolerance, global peace, reconciliation, economics, organization and a host of other issues pertinent to life and existence. And knowing him in his incarnation is crucial to understanding humans, their life as finite beings – how to handle time, space, knowledge, issues of identity, security and more. The dearth is evident in the way we pray and the things we pray for especially in the context of missions and world peace. The problem is we do have people who do know a lot of things about the world, but God. The urgent need is for men and women who know God!

Finally, we notice that intercession was brought to an end by God. “And the Lord went his way, when he had finished speaking to Abraham, and Abraham returned to his place.” When Abraham reached the figure of ten, God withdrew from the conversation. The lesson for us is that, we do well to remember and discern when God wants us to stop our intercession. This is another matter that can be known only through intimacy with God.

We learn from Abraham’s story that the whole process of intercession hinges on intimacy with God from beginning to end. One of the outcomes of an intimate walk with God is a life of intercession. But it is equally true that intercession deepens our intimacy with God.

May we make intimacy with God our goal in life and learn to walk with him so that we can be mediators of his blessing to the nations of the world. May the Lord raise many such intercessors, who stay close to the heart of God. Amen.

Yesterday (26 November) was a day of celebration in the United States: it was Thanksgiving, when most families celebrate with a roast turkey dinner. Thanksgiving also came just days before President Barack Obama attends a global climate change conference in Paris (see this week’s Prayer Alert Europe article). There is an interesting White House tradition that has captured the imagination of the public in recent years, of ‘pardoning’ the White House turkeys. Myth says that President Lincoln's 1863 clemency to a turkey, recorded in an 1865 dispatch by White House reporter Noah Brooks, was the origin for the pardoning ceremony. The president pardoned a couple of turkeys again on Wednesday this year; however, the birds took a carbon-intensive cross-country flight from San Francisco International Airport to meet the President, who will depart from the same airport on Sunday to attend the Paris global climate conference and discuss ways to reduce carbon emissions.

The militant Islamist group al-Shabaab has publicly declared that it 'wants Somalia free of any Christians'. Those who are suspected of being Christians are frequently killed on the spot. Christians must keep their faith hidden. Believers are isolated, and meet in small groups. They cannot own Bibles, as this could put them in danger. Islam is enshrined as the state religion in the nation's constitution, making apostasy illegal, and those who attack Christians do so with impunity. A believer says, ‘We are experiencing horrible things here every day. It appears that I live in hell on earth. I wish I could just stand inside a church and cry out in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.’ The government is barely functional and the nation is largely governed by a tribal system. Somalia has become a safe haven for Islamic radicalism. But one Somali Christian has regular contact with camel-herders and has given them a radio tuned to a Christian station.

The head of the Syriac Catholic Church has accused Western governments of betraying Christians in the Middle East, and said it was ‘a big lie’ to suggest Islamic State could be defeated with airstrikes. Syriac Patriarch Ignace Joseph III Younan said, ‘All Eastern patriarchs, myself included, have spoken out clearly to the West from the very beginning: be careful, the situation in Syria is not like Egypt, Tunisia or Libya. It’s much more complex, and conflict here will create chaos and civil war. They disagreed, saying the Assad regime will fall soon. That hasn’t happened and five years later, innocent people, especially Christians, have no support. The West has betrayed us.’ The West is now stepping up attacks after terrorists killed 130 in Paris and dozens in Beirut, but the patriarch said airstrikes were ineffective at targeting IS because its religiously-indoctrinated operatives are well financed and well armed, and have infiltrated local populations.

Gunmen shouting Islamic slogans attacked the Radisson Blue Hotel, frequented by foreigners, early last Friday. After Malian commandos stormed the hotel, a large number of hostages were freed. Although it is suspected that the attack was sparked by terror attacks on Paris last week, it is important to keep in mind that the attack happened within the context of insecurity that has been lingering since the 2013 Islamic rebellion. A fragile peace accord reached in June 2015 has so far not succeeded in brokering lasting stability. An Open Doors worker said, ‘Some of the Christians who were forced to flee the North during the 2013 rebellion have ventured back, but have found it very hard to cope with the destruction of their properties and the ongoing anxiety. However, as this attack clearly shows, Christians in the South also continue to face insecurity.’

Turkish-Russian relations, already tense due to Moscow’s military engagement in Syria to aid President Bashar al-Assad, took a dangerous turn when a Russian fighter jet was shot down by the Turkish military. Ankara said the plane had violated Turkey’s airspace, a claim that Russia is rejecting. The incident follows angry statements in recent days from Ankara aimed at Russia for hitting targets in an area where Turkmen fighters armed and supported by Turkey are fighting the Syrian army, which is supported by Russian fighter jets. A fuming Russian President, Vladimir Putin, warned Ankara after the downing of the jet that there would be ‘significant consequences,' signalling Turkish-Russian ties changing radically as Turkey faces Moscow’s increasing resolve to fight anti-Assad groups supported by Ankara. Ankara insists that there is no IS presence where Turkmen are located. The Turkmen are ethnic Turks who have lived in the region since the 11th century.