Broke Greeks giving up their children

Written by Admin 2 19 Jan 2012

Greece - considered one of the most family oriented countries in Europe is now seeing Children being abandoned at nursery groups, churches and foster charities because parents can no longer afford to care for them since the financial crisis caused widespread unemployment across the country. A priest told the BBC that he had not come across children simply being abandoned before. ‘The parents say they do not have any money or shelter or food for their kids, so they hope we might be able to provide them with what they need. In a heartbreaking incident - a single unemployed mother put her child into foster care with a charity after twelve months searching for work. Although she now has a job she cannot afford to take her daughter back as she earns only £16 a day. Previously children went into foster care because of drug and alcohol addiction in the family. Now it is because of poverty.

Pray: for God to give Greece’s politicians and bankers and leaders in commerce and industry the strategies to lead Greece back into His purposes. (Pr.21:5-6)


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