Bulgaria: 166 children die of neglect

Written by Admin 2 24 Sep 2010

Children in state-run homes were tied to their beds or wheelchairs, or ‘chemically immobilised', amid claims of sexual abuse, according to a report by the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee (BHC). The report was based on investigations by prosecutors and human rights experts at all the country's 26 social care homes, which shelter 1,350 disabled children. Of 238 deaths, three-quarters could have been prevented, the report said. Preliminary findings concluded that 166 deaths resulted from ‘lack of care’ by personnel at the institutions. Bulgaria's Chief Prosecutor Boris Velchev said most of the deaths were never reported to police or subject to autopsies. According to the report, 31 deaths were due to malnutrition, 84 to neglect, 13 to poor hygiene, six to accidents such as drowning or freezing, 36 to pneumonia and two to abuse. In 15 cases, the experts could not determine the cause of death. ‘We are determined to conclude the investigations and punish those responsible,’ Velchev said.

Pray: for all children in care, that they may be lovingly nourished in body and spirit rather than neglected. (La.3:33)

More: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/bulgaria/8013837/166-children-die-of-neglect-in-Bulgarian-care-homes.html

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