Christians' future in secular Europe

Written by Admin 2 03 Dec 2011

Christians have been told they must find a framework for promoting their beliefs if they are to confront the challenge of aggressive secularisation and the erosion of Christian values across all spheres of life. Opening the Beyond Individualism conference on Friday, Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali said it was ‘amazing’ that a Christian nurse in Britain today could be suspended for offering to pray for a patient, when it was Christians who had set in place many of the institutions and public services now taken for granted. He warned that the Christian values inherent in Europe’s heritage have been eroded by a process of ‘aggressive secularisation’ that Christians must understand if they are to challenge it. While politicians offer ‘thin’ values like respect and tolerance, the bishop said such ‘political mantras’ were ‘not enough for society to be cohesive’.

Pray: that the Church will take its rightful place in Europe and not give way to aggressive secularism. (Ep.3:16)


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