Czech Republic: Europe rise up!

Written by Admin 2 08 Dec 2011

‘Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.’ This was the Scripture used to call a gathering of European Christians in Prague from December 1st-3rd. For many years Europe has been on the periphery of the Holy Spirit’s blowing. Delegates at the conference took a stand believing if the European nations come together and start building a unity in Europe God will command a blessing. Christians in Europe are taking a stand against a divided Europe. The delegates intend to start to learn what is happening in particular countries and begin praying for one another. The delegates also acknowledged, ‘It is possible that this unity cannot come about without repentance of the things we have been guilty of in the past because we trespassed against other countries. We should also repent of all prejudices we have against other countries and their people.’

Pray: for God to bless this initiative towards unity. Pray also that the desire to pray together will grow and birth more ‘Prayer Watches’ and ‘Houses of Prayer and worship’. (Is 40:3)


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