Denmark: Radical Islamic threat

Written by Admin 2 28 Apr 2011

On Mohammed's birthday, Denmark's Muslims marched under a banner that said ‘Islam is peace and love.’ But elements of Denmark's Muslim community have radicalized. Two years ago on the same spot as a peaceful demonstration, Muslims met a pro-Israel demonstration with Hitler salutes, shouts of ‘conquest,’ and ‘kill the Jews.’ Denmark is infected with the same multiculturalism that has been declared a failure in other European nations because it fosters Islamic radicalism. Copenhagen city government is allowing construction of a Shia mosque, which will be funded in part by Iran. Iranian refugees to Denmark who fled the Islamic radicalism now face the nightmare of that radicalism following them to Copenhagen. Iranian immigrants have been demonstrating against it. ‘It's not really a mosque. It's more like a barracks,’ said Islamic expert Lars Hedegaard, president of The International Free Press Society, headquartered in Copenhagen.

Pray: for God to prevent further Islamist agendas from taking root in Denmark (and elsewhere). (Ps.24:1)


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