EU warns France of action over Roma

Written by Admin 2 01 Oct 2010

The European Commission has told France that it faces action over its expulsion of Roma (Gypsy) migrants if it fails to adopt EU rules on freedom of movement by 15 October. France welcomed the fact that the EU was not accusing it of discrimination. But Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding said France had not respected a 2004 EU directive on freedom of movement. The controversial expulsions of thousands of Roma led to a serious row between Brussels and Paris. ‘France is not enforcing European law as it should on free movement, so we are launching an infringement process against France,’ Ms Reding told France 24 television. Ms Reding also says France has failed to transpose into law a 2004 EU directive on freedom of movement, which sets out procedures for deporting migrants deemed to be staying illegally. (See Prayer Alert 3810 & 3510)

Pray: that the French government reconsiders its current decisions over the Roma. (2Ch.19:7)


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