EU: Iran stoning case

Written by Admin 2 11 Sep 2010

The European Union presidency has said that Iran's suspension of a stoning sentence against a woman convicted of adultery is not enough and demands it be completely overturned. Foreign Minister Steven Vanackere of Belgium, who holds the EU's rotating presidency, said that Iran's concession that the punishment against Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani could be eased did not meet the human rights conditions the EU is insisting on. He said the Belgian presidency would work hard ‘to achieve that the punishment will be unequivocally repealed’. This week, several European Union nations and the continent's biggest human rights organization have criticised Iran for its plan to stone the 43-year-old mother of two even if Teheran has put the plan on hold for now.

Pray: that the inhumanity of Iran’s sentencing policies be overturned by prayer and politics. (Ps.2:1-3)


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