Europe fiddles as Libya burns

Written by Admin 2 24 Mar 2011

Disagreement between European countries over Libya has moved from the merely embarrassing to the wholly humiliating, after Germany again blocked Anglo-French no-fly zone proposals at a G8 meeting in Paris. The EU's Libya debacle is now the foreign policy equivalent of last year's eurozone meltdown, and similarly damaging to its global credibility and influence. Once again, Europe is being forced to confront an unpalatable truth: unless the US takes the lead, nothing gets done. Alain Juppé, France's foreign minister, suggested Europe had left it too late to stop Gaddafi winning. ‘If we had used military force last week to neutralise some airstrips and the several dozen planes that they have, perhaps the reversal taking place to the detriment of the opposition wouldn't have happened,’ Juppé told Europe-1 radio. ‘But that's the past. What is happening today shows us that we may have let slip by a chance.’

Pray: that God will have mercy on those who are afflicted and pray for wisdom for the EU over its decisions. (Ps.9:18)


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