European Parliament criticises failure to investigate CIA torture and renditions

Written by Admin 2 20 Sep 2012

The European Parliament has adopted, by an overwhelming majority, a new resolution condemning the role of European states in the CIA's secret detention and torture programme. The Parliament criticises member states for failing to fulfil their obligation to investigate serious human rights violations connected with the CIA programme, pointing out that previous investigations have been hampered by lack of transparency, prevalence of political interests, restriction of victims' right to effective participation, and lack of rigorous investigative techniques. The Parliament calls on Romania and Lithuania, in particular, to reopen investigations in the light of new evidence produced by Reprieve. In Poland, where a prosecutorial investigation is still ongoing after several years, the Parliament has deplored the lack of official communication on the scope, conduct and state of play of the investigation.

Pray: that this new resolution will result in the member states investigating any human rights violations and not hold back. (Pr.31:9)



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