European rail network now on al-Qaeda hit-list

Written by Admin 2 22 Aug 2013

Al-Qaeda is plotting attacks on Europe’s high-speed rail network, a German newspaper reported, citing intelligence sources. The extremist group could plant explosives on trains and tunnels or sabotage tracks and electrical cabling, said Bild, Europe’s most widely read daily. While Germany said its threat level had not changed and Austria said no additional security measures had been taken, a Czech rail official said authorities there had implemented new, unspecified security measures. Bild said the information came from the National Security Agency (NSA) in the United States, which had listened in to a conference call involving top al-Qaeda operatives. The attacks on Europe’s rail network were a ‘central topic’ of this call, Bild said. German authorities had responded to the threat with discreet measures such as deploying plain-clothed police officers at key stations and on main routes.

Pray: against terrorist attacks and pray that those involved in such acts will be captured. (Is.8:15)



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