European week against cancer

Written by Admin 2 13 Jun 2013

The European commission estimates that 700,000 people die and millions of EU citizens suffer as a result of smoking related diseases every year. Tobacco consumption is by far the largest avoidable health risk and the biggest cause of premature death in the EU. Linda McAvan parliament’s rapporteur on the tobacco products directive, said, ‘The biggest worry for me is that more young people smoke than adults in the EU.’ The British MEP, who is a member of parliament’s environment, public health and food safety committee, said that 28 per cent of European citizens smoke. According to the European commission, the figure for 15 to 24-year-olds is slightly higher, at 29 per cent. ‘We have to do something to tackle the recruitment of children and young people into smoking, and that’s what this new law from Europe’s about,’ McAvan said.

Pray: that the battle against cancer and smoking by the young will be taken seriously. (Ps.144:1)


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