Four Christians accusing employers of discrimination

Written by Admin 2 07 Sep 2012

Christians who lost employment tribunals for discrimination in the workplace took their fight to the European Court of Human Rights on Tuesday. Their stories centre around whether religious principles have a place in the modern British workplace. When civil partnerships were legalised in 2004, Marriage registrar Miss Lillian Ladele refused to conduct them saying it was against her religious beliefs. Relationship councillor Mr McFarlane was sacked by Relate after objecting to giving sex therapy guidance to same-sex couples. Ms Eweida went home from a job with British Airways after she refused to conceal her silver cross necklace which breached uniform policy. Former nurse Mrs Chaplin was also asked not to display her cross necklace by the NHS Trust because the necklace breached health and safety guidelines. Mrs Chaplin had worn the cross necklace on the wards for 30 years.

Pray: that the judgement of the European Court will be led by the Holy Spirit and not by man. (Pr.1:5)


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