France wants to redefine marriage by next year

Written by Admin 2 20 Jul 2012

The French Prime Minster has told his parliament that marriage will be redefined and same-sex adoption brought in by the ‘first half’ of 2013. Under the previous administration redefining marriage was voted down, but the recent elections saw a change in power with the Socialist Party now holding a majority. Newly-elected President François Hollande, of the Socialist Party, made an election pledge to redefine marriage. In the UK the Westminster Government is ploughing on with plans to redefine marriage – despite it not being in any of the major parties’ manifestos. There has also been massive opposition to the plans. The French Prime Minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, told parliament: ‘In the first half of 2013, the right to marriage and adoption will be open to all couples, without discrimination’. Last year members of France’s lower house voted 293 to 222 in favour of traditional marriage.

Pray: that the traditional form of marriage will once again be upheld. (Heb.13:4)


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