France: Church anger over Roma policy

Written by Admin 2 27 Aug 2010

French government policy towards the Roma community has provoked the anger of the Catholic Church – from the Vatican itself to individual priests like Father Arthur Hervet. A renowned defender of Roma rights, Father Arthur is returning the Order of Merit he was awarded by way of protest. Describing current policy he said: ‘For the last three months this minority has had a real war being waged against it.’ Pope Benedict XVI has also spoken out. Although he did not actually name France, he chose to make the following address in French: ‘Scripture tells us again and again that all men are called to salvation, and the Scriptures are also an invitation to receive amongst us all legitimate human differences, as did Jesus who gathered together people of all nations and all languages.’ The French government has intensified its deportation of illegal Roma people since a violent incident involving the Roma community last month.

Pray: that this policy will not be forced upon them but the authorities would show compassion. (Eph.4:32)


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