French media ignores protest against radical Islam

Written by Admin 2 16 Nov 2012

A patriotic march for French values and culture, and against radical Islam, was virtually blacked out by France's politically correct media. Over the weekend, protestors chanted against Islamic fascism and about the French victory over Arab invaders in 732 AD It was the first march of its kind in France. A broad coalition of groups from across France banded together because they feel they're losing their country to radical Islam, Sharia law, and a politically correct establishment that encourages the spread of Islam. ‘Sharia law is slowly being enforced in our country and we want to march here to protest that because our government is doing nothing,’ one French demonstrator said. France has more Muslims than any other European nation. Some believe there could be as many as 15 million Muslims in France, although the official figure is much lower.

Pray: tha,t despite the lack of response by the French media, the message will get to the people.(1Cor.1:18)



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