Germany bans Islamist group amid nationwide raids

Written by Admin 2 22 Jun 2012

German officials launched searches on extreme Islamist groups last Thursday, raiding homes and mosques across the country. The raids resulted in a ban on one Islamist organization, and prompted authorities to open investigations on two others. Authorities say these groups threaten Germany’s security with their adherence to Islamic sharia law and advocation of violence. ‘Such an understanding of Islam has no place in Germany,’ said German Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich. The Salafist organization Millatu Ibrahim was outlawed because it calls on Muslims to rise up against Germany’s ‘constitutional order,’ Friedrich said. The Dawaffm and dwr are being investigated to determine whether evidence exists to outlaw them as well. Friedrich said a ‘comprehensive collection of evidence’ had been seized, including laptops, videos, cellphones and other items. This evidence is to be evaluated over the coming days to determine if the two organizations in question should be banned.

Pray: that the authorities will be given wisdom and discernment to handle extremists of all persuasion. (Dt.4:6)


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