Germany: NGO calls for violence against Christians

Written by Admin 2 17 Aug 2012

The Salzburg-based NGO ‘Infoladen’ calls for violence against Christians when expressing pro-life views. In July they called for a counter-demonstration against a pro-life manifestation. ‘Let’s make their 1000-crosses-manifestation a disaster!’ and ‘Sink the 1000 crosses!’ are some of the slogans on their website. In between long paragraphs of prejudices, the NGO ‘Infoladen’ admits that it has already used intimidation and anti-democratic means in their attempts to silence pro-life Christians: ‘They just do not want to understand. Although last summer it was made sufficiently clear to Human Life International, Euro Pro Life and Youth for Life, that they and their anti-women processions are not welcome in Salzburg, and they are planning another manifestation. Last year, the march was disturbed by blockades and successfully shortened through the courageous intervention of emancipatory activists. The closing ceremony of the fundamentalists had to take place virtually in the exclusion of the public.’ They also pronounce a meeting point for the counter manifestation. No names of the leadership of the NGO nor the main organizers are given online.

Pray: that the calls by ‘Infoladen’ against pro-life organisations would be silenced. (Job.12:10)


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