Green week 2010: biodiversity brainstorm

Written by Admin 2 07 Jun 2010

How to stop the loss of biodiversity without impeding human development is one of the biggest conundrums of modern times. Experts from around the world have gathered in Brussels this week to brainstorm on the problem. The UN has also designated 2010 as the International Year of Biodiversity. More than 3000 scientists, business leaders, environmental advocates and government officials are taking part in the forum, called Green Week. Biodiversity refers to the abundance and variety of plant and animal species and their habitats. A large number and wide range of natural habitats and species are essential to maintaining the earth’s ecosystems. Humans have caused massive losses in biodiversity, mainly by destroying plant and animal habitats. The UN estimates that species are now disappearing at 100 to 1000 times the natural extinction rate. A third of the 1.75m known animal and plant species are under threat.

Pray: that this forum would lead to significant advances to benefit the world we live in. (Gen.1:26-31)


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