Hungary: Parliament passes restrictive religion law

Written by Admin 2 14 Jul 2011

In a move reminiscent of its Soviet Communist past, Hungary last night passed a restrictive religion law showing that its dictatorial mindset has not yet fully abated. Although Communism officially ended in Hungary over 20 years ago, the Hungarian Parliament Monday night after midnight, procured for the country the title of ‘Worst Religion Law in Europe’, when it adopted its new ‘Law on the Right to Freedom of Conscience and Religion, and on Churches, Religions and Religious Communities'. I am both saddened and disappointed by the adoption of such a draconian law,’ said Joseph K. Grieboski, Founder and Chairman of The Institute on Religion and Public Policy ‘I have known and worked closely with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, most recently on the new constitution, and expected much more from him. The law is a danger to all Hungarian society and a terrible indication of the state of democracy in the country,’ Grieboski said in a media advisory.

Pray: for the Hungarian Parliament that they will reconsider this law. (Job.6:29)


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