MEPs unite in fight against organised crime, corruption and money laundering

Written by Admin 2 28 Sep 2013

Parliament's organised crime, corruption and money laundering special committee (CRIM) has adopted a report which calls for a comprehensive acti organisations active in the EU, of which most have members from more than one country. The new report, adopted on Tuesday, calls for the creation of a European public prosecutor, for corrupt politicians to be banned from office and for a common definition of organised crime which includes the involvement with mafia-type organisations. Tanja Fajon, S&D spokesperson on organised crime and corruption, said, ‘EU countries are not immune to political corruption and we need to introduce stronger and more efficient measures to tackle it, including enhanced transparency for political parties' budgets and a five-year ban for corrupt politicians.’

Pray: for the authorities to be granted success against criminals. (Ecc.8:13)


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