Nearly 15,000 French mayors will refuse to marry gay couples

Written by Admin 2 25 Apr 2013

A group of at least 14,900 French mayors has said it will not perform ‘gay marriages,’ even if the government moves ahead with plans to legalize the practice, reports Catholic News Agency. The administration of French President Francois Hollande has put forth a measure that would legalize ‘gay marriage,’ allow gay couples to receive medical treatment for artificial procreation and to adopt children. ‘It is foolish to think that the mobilization of the elected mayors would stop if the law is passed,’ said Franck Meyer, spokesman for the association Mayors for Children. ‘As citizens, we elected officials will not give up,’ he emphasized in statements to the media. Meyer, who is mayor of Sotteville-sous-le-Val in northern France, observed that some of the mayors in the group have said they would resign if the law is adopted, while others have said they will refuse to perform marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples.

Pray: for the French mayors as they take a stand against gay marriage. Pray that their decision will bring pressure on the government. (Heb.13:4)


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