Prayers and praise for Polish leaders

Written by Admin 2 19 May 2010

In the spring sunshine, sirens and bells marked the two minute silence at midday across Poland. At the church of St Stanislaw Kostka in a suburb of Warsaw, the silence was particularly poignant. It was here that Lech Kaczynski and his wife Maria used to come to Sunday service. Their pews were kept empty during the service, draped in a huge red-and-white Polish flag and a black ribbon. The smiling pictures of the president and his wife were placed in front of the altar, together with the names of the other 94 people who died on board the presidential jet in Smolensk. Young children gathered around, eagerly putting their hands up when the priest asked them why Poland was in mourning. Outside the packed church, a
group of elderly people wiped their tears. Danuta Kaniewska, a former Solidarity activist sobbed ‘We've lost our elite. We're all in pain.’ The signs of mourning are everywhere.

Pray: for the people of Poland that they might be comforted in their huge loss. (Ps.119:50)


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