Russia: Evangelicals v Orthodox Church

Written by Admin 2 28 Apr 2011

For decades, the Russian Orthodox Church was persecuted under the Soviet Union's Communist Party. For eight years, Yuri Sipko ran one of the largest Baptist organizations in Russia. Now, 20 years after the fall of Communism he worries about the growing threats against the country's evangelical movement. ‘The government recently introduced religious classes based on the principals of the Orthodox Church in public schools, Then the president announced appointing Orthodox chaplains to all army units. Our constitution clearly states no religion can be the state religion.’ Sergey Ryakhovski, head of Russia's Pentecostal Union, worries that the Orthodox Church's influence is coming at the expense of religious freedom, especially for minority groups. Muscovite Human Rights advocate, Roman Lunkin, said the head of the Orthodox Church is on a mission to expand its powers and influence.

Pray: for God to strengthen, empower and renew all the Russian churches. (Mt.16:18)



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