Russia: Prisons look to faiths for moral guidance

Written by Admin 2 21 Sep 2010

Russia's prisons, struggling with a growing crime rate, overcrowding and shortfalls in funding, are turning to religion to bring moral guidance to inmates. The move marks a dramatic change from the Soviet system, when clergy and believers were often imprisoned for their faith. ‘We have signed agreements with all of the leading confessions of our country,’ said Aleksandr Reimer, the Director of Russia's Federal Correctional Service, in an interview with the Rossiiskaya Gazeta, an official government newspaper. Although the Russian Orthodox Church has become increasingly close to the State in recent years, Reimer said that imposing Russia's largest religion on inmates was not the goal. Reimer said that the correctional service had started a pilot project with the Russian Orthodox Church in four regions of Russia to introduce prison chaplains.

Pray: that the Church will take up the challenge and bring God’s wisdom and guidance to the prisoners.


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