Spain: Judge forced to return salary over gay adoption

Written by Admin 2 11 Aug 2010

Spanish Judge Fernando Ferrin Calamita has been suspended for ten years and ordered to return his salary of about 100,000 euros to the government because he delayed a decision to allow a lesbian to adopt her partner’s child. He must also pay the couple more than 5,000 euros in compensation and pay another fine of $700. Calamita was found guilty of obstructing the adoption process when he denied the lesbian’s request to adopt the child while waiting for a report on the impact of same-sex families on children. He was initially suspended for two years from the practice, but the Supreme Court in December 2009 increased the suspension to 10 years. ‘The powerful Spanish homosexual lobby, with the consent or passivity of all the institutions, decided to punish Ferrin and make him an example,’ commented the conservative Spain-based Professionals for Ethics, according to the Catholic News Agency.

Pray: for Judge Calamita to be reinstated with his reputation intact. (Job 5:4)


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