Sweden: Riots spread beyond Stockholm

Written by Admin 2 30 May 2013

Police reinforcements were deployed to Stockholm on Friday to help quell unrest as rioting continued for a sixth straight night, spreading beyond the Swedish capital. (See Prayer Alert 21-2013) A nearly week-long spate of rioting spread outside Stockholm on Friday but authorities said police reinforcements sent to the Swedish capital had reduced the violence there, even though dozens of youths set cars and a recycling station ablaze. The rioting - set off earlier this month by the police shooting of a 69-year-old man - continued for a sixth night in mainly poor immigrant areas in Stockholm. The rioting has exposed a fault-line between a well-off majority and a minority - often young people with immigrant backgrounds - who are poorly educated, cannot find work and feel pushed to the edge of society. Two cars were torched in Stockholm but the city appeared to have had its calmest night since the trouble began.

Pray: for a solution to this problem and that the way of peace will be found. (2Tim.2:22)

More: http://www.france24.com/en/20130525-sweden-riots-spread-beyond-stockholm


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