The fire of faith burns bright in Bosnia

Written by Admin 2 27 Feb 2012

Murat and Amina were in urgent need of assistance when they arrived at an aid warehouse run by Operation Mobilisation (OM) in Bosnia. Amina’s husband was desperately sick and they had no means or money to heat their home. Supplying valuable fuel the OM workers prayed for Amina, her husband and Murat, and left them with some Christian literature to read. As the OM team distributed copies of Scripture on the streets of the town nearby, they often saw Murat. They were even more overjoyed when they heard this man from an Islamic background ask if he could join their Christian prayer meetings. Over the next weeks, Murat became a regular attender at church and made a decision to accept Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. Today he and his new Christian wife lead a Bible study group in their home. Murat can also be found distributing portions of Scripture on Bosnia’s streets.

Pray: for Murat and Amina as they share their new-found faith that others would meet with Jesus. (Pr.7:14)



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