Turkey: Al Qaeda accused of planning to bomb churches

Written by Admin 2 15 Dec 2011

A large-scale Al Qaeda plot to bomb ‘all the churches in Ankara,’ as well as the Turkish Parliament and U.S. Embassy in the Turkish capital, was made public today (Dec.9). According to Compass Direct News (CDN), the 50-page indictment, following the arrest of suspects last July, outlined the militants’ revised ‘jihad’ strategy to begin focusing their attacks against Turkey before waging war against the United States and other countries. Police seized 700 kilos (1,500 pounds) of explosives, along with assault rifles, ammunition, bomb-making instructions and detailed maps of Ankara. Among the CDs, detailed maps, sketches and building diagrams, police also discovered lists of the names and home addresses of Christian clergy and other church workers residing in Ankara. The news took Christian leaders in Ankara by total surprise, according to one Turkish Christian leader in Ankara. ‘No one has had any news about this until now,’ he said.

Pray: for the work of the authorities as they combat the Al Qaeda menace and protect those under threat. (Ps.32:7)

More: http://www.compassdirect.org/english/country/turkey/article_124391.html

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