UN: Petition for justice

Written by Admin 2 19 Nov 2010

Catholic, Protestant and Muslim leaders and non-governmental organisations have slammed a death sentence imposed on Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of two convicted on blasphemy charges for proclaiming her faith in Pakistan. She is the first woman sentenced to death for such an offence. Bibi’s lawyers visited her in prison to prepare her application for an appeal, Meanwhile, Freedom International has formed an online petition calling on the United Nations to shine the international spotlight on Bibi’ plight. ‘We believe that it is imperative that the United Nations exerts pressure on the Pakistani government to steadfastly enforce law protecting the humanitarian rights of all citizens, regardless of their religious affiliation.’ CFI President Jim Jacobson said in a statement. Bibi was beaten, arrested for blasphemy and sentenced to death after standing for her Christian beliefs. The sentence was handed down on Sunday. The online petition for Bibi’s release is at: http://www.christianfreedom.org/news/petion-to-free-asia-bibi/

Pray: for the United Nations pressure to achieve Bibi’s release and the repeal of Pakistan’s blasphemy law. (Ex.23:6)

More: http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Christians,-Muslims,-NGOs-mobilise-for-Asia-Bibi,-against-"obscene"-blasphemy-law-19995.html

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