Ukraine: Amnesty deplores abuses by both sides

Written by Admin 2 24 Oct 2014

Human rights group Amnesty International says there is evidence of atrocities committed by both warring sides in eastern Ukraine, but not on the scale reported by Russia. It said ‘strong evidence’ implicated government forces in the killing of four men near rebel-held Donetsk. When the bodies were discovered Russian media spoke of ‘mass graves’ there. Meanwhile a huge blast has rocked part of Donetsk, as clashes continue despite a truce agreed on 5 September. ‘There is no doubt that summary killings and atrocities are being committed by both pro-Russian separatists and pro-Kiev forces, but it is difficult to get an accurate sense of the scale of these abuses,’ said Amnesty's Europe and Central Asia director John Dalhuisen. In a new report, Amnesty urged both sides to investigate such killings and other abuses thoroughly, because some had been ‘deliberately misrecorded’.

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