Gardai monitoring Islamic radicals ahead of Prince Charles's Irish visit

Written by Admin 2 13 May 2015

Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall will visit Ireland and Northern Ireland next week, and security is being stepped up. Concerns have been raised that Irish Islamic extremists may try to target the visit. In addition to the risk from dissident republicans, Gardai (Irish police) are monitoring a number of radicalised individuals who they fear may attempt to disrupt the trip. Among suspects under surveillance is Irishman Khalid Kelly, who converted to Islam in 2000 while imprisoned in Saudi Arabia and is thought to have recently worked as a nurse in Syria before returning to Ireland. Mr Kelly knew Michael Adebolajo, the man who brutally killed British soldier Lee Rigby. Speaking at a mosque in Cavan, Mr Kelly said that Gardai were monitoring him ahead of Prince Charles’s visit.

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