INSIGHT Political change in second half of 2015 - Poland

Written by Admin 2 04 Jun 2015

The newly-elected President of Poland promises change.  Andrzej Duda has limited powers, but is head of the armed forces and can veto new laws. The victory will be a wake-up call to Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz ahead of parliamentary elections this autumn. Mr Duda said, ‘Those who voted for me voted for change. Together we can change Poland.’ Poland is gradually catching up to Western Europe's living standards but youth unemployment is high and Poles can still earn much more in the UK or Germany. The new President needs his Law and Justice party to win this autumn's parliamentary elections to bring about real change. Mr Duda attracted most support in the conservative eastern regions near the border with Ukraine and Belarus. For up-to-date INSIGHTS into potentially significant political changes across the nations in the second half of 2015 click the ‘more’ button below.

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