Councillor Aurelia Frick went to Luxembourg on Monday 8 June for a working visit. Her discussions centred with Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn about the Luxembourg EU Presidency which will be in the second half of 2015. Aurelia Frick also met Minister of Culture Maggy Nagel and Lydia Mutsch, Minister for…
The Baltic-region based Saber Strike military exercises have been an annual part of NATO’s Allied Shield training exercises since 2010. This year they began in Latvia at 10 am at the Adazi military base in Latvia on 8 June. Present at the ceremony were recently elected Latvian President (currently Defence…
Five European Union member states that have not recognised the 2008 unilateral declaration of Kosovo’s independence are under pressure to change their position. Slovakia, Greece, Cyprus, Romania and Spain were ‘targeted by great powers,” Vecernje novosti newspaper claims. The Belgrade daily adds that some Latin American and Caribbean countries are…
On Monday Royal Navy warship HMS Bulwark arrived in an Italian port, carrying 1,200 migrants rescued from the Mediterranean Sea. The ship docked at Catania, in Sicily, where the migrants will be handed over to the Italian authorities. Bulwark has been on a search and rescue mission in the area…
Whichever view we took on the referendum proposition, the result gives all of us in the Church pause for thought. I know that in this, throughout our Church of Ireland in this Republic, there were people who were on either side of this debate. People who journey in faith, and…
Icelanders will soon be able to publicly worship at a shrine to Thor, Odin and Frigg with construction already started in February on the island's first major temple to the Norse gods since the Viking age. Worship of the gods in Scandinavia gave way to Christianity around 1,000 years ago…