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Media Bias. Anti-Christian television and cinema agendas. Fake news. Data hacks. Sexting, Facebook, Snapchat. In a growing secular media environment we need to pray for our Christian families to learn how to protect themselves from digital deception and manipulation through the internet and to have God-given insights when watching news channels. Ask God to give us wisdom and discernment when we are about to make a wrong internet choice. Ask him to give us better sensitivities when deciding what screen we watch. Ask Him to raise up more Christian play writers, filmmakers, media programmers, artists, and computer game programmers. May he convict us if we choose unwise media options. May this generation help our children and grandchildren to develop the wisdom and discernment to navigate a disturbing media landscape. Pray for organisations like The MediaNet who support, encourage and inspire Christians who work in, and with, the UK media.
The following was posted online by Passion for the Nation on 9 April. ‘So be wise as serpents, and innocent as doves’. In the Name of Jesus, we declare the political figures, the diplomatic service and the intelligence services in this nation will be marked out by their wisdom, authority and compassion, that they will be wise as serpents, carrying no self-serving agenda. Even as ‘A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.’ (Proverbs 15:1) we declare our government will be slow to speak, slow to anger and their words will produce the fruit of righteousness for this nation and the nations. Now, in the Name of Jesus, over the current confrontation between Russia and the UK, we declare truth will emerge, ungodliness will be revealed.
In 1997 the Chemical Weapons treaty came into force. Its full title is ‘The Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction’. In 2013 Syria agreed to the treaty. On 7 April 2018 Syrian activists, rescue workers and medics reported toxic chemicals dropped on Douma with Assad’s approval. It is believed not to be Syria’s first violation of the treaty. At the time of writing, because of chemical weapons use in Syria, Russia and America are threatening opposing military action over Syrian ground and airspace. Theresa May's cabinet has ‘agreed on the need to take action’. They are also considering military options with US and French allies. Key prayers for our MOD - What British forces might be used? The targets. What’s the overall strategic aim? Key prayers for Whitehall - How to avoid escalating the conflict? See World article 1
Category 4 Hurricane Maria destroyed Puerto Rico in September 2017 and paved the way for revival. Puerto Rican George Santiago returned from the US in summer 2017. Two months later Hurricane Maria turned the mountain stream into a raging river, the town was in shambles without access to food or water, the people were paralysed. Through Southern Baptists, he provided food, water and even washing machines. People asked him ‘Why are you doing this?' His answer included sharing the Gospel. Since the storm, at least 50 people have come to Christ and Santiago has started what he calls a ‘baby church’ for new believers. It's all evidence of God's master plan at work. ‘He placed us in Puerto Rico at the right moment, the perfect moment for a church to give birth,’ he said. Santiago is not alone. Maria has paved the way for enormous spiritual growth in the region.
The Zizzi restaurant and sites across Salisbury remain cordoned off after Sergei and Yulia Skripal were found poisoned by Novichok nerve-agent in the area last month. The Bishop of Salisbury is inviting members of the public to a special service to celebrate the community life of the city at St. Thomas’ Church at 3 pm on Sunday 15 April. The service will include city leaders in business and community, plus members of the emergency and public services to give thanks for the work they do and pray for those affected by the attack. At the conclusion of the service they will go in procession to the site where the Skripals were found for a ceremony to symbolically ‘reclaim Salisbury for the common good’. The service will include hymns and prayers from both Russia and this country, as well as readings from the Christian Bible - the grounding of both cultures.
30 April – 3 May 2018
For the sixth year in a row, Australia is calling the nations of the world to join with them to pray and fast for four days for the United States of America, from 30 April – 3 May 2018.
May 3 is America’s National Day of Prayer. The theme is “Pray for America - UNITY” Ephesians 4:3.
April 30 is America’s National Day of Repentance.
Promo YouTube Video:
Facebook Video:
Commissioner James Condon, a member of the National Day of Prayer & Fasting team, said, “God has done remarkable things in America since we began to pray and fast, but God can do greater things yet! We in Australia believe it is our turn to stand in the gap for the nation of America and pray for revival and transformation for the USA through prayer and fasting according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. Whilst America has a new administration, the need for a new National Awakening has never been more apparent.
Commissioner Condon from Salvation Army continued, “We in Australia are grateful for the protection that America gave Australia and the nations of the free world during World War II. The Battle of the Coral Sea, fought by USA in 1942, was the turning point in the Second World War for Australia. America continues to be a blessing to the world. Even to this day the USA is the largest contributor of foreign aid among all the countries of the world. Thank God for America!”
President Reagan renewed the call for a National Day of Prayer in 1982 and said, “National prayer is deeply rooted in our American heritage… The first National Day of Prayer was proclaimed in 1775 by the Second Continental Congress. As thousands gathered in prayer in places of worship and encampments throughout the new land, the dispersed colonists found a new spirit of UNITY and resolve in this remarkable expression of public faith.”
Sue Tinworth, a member of the National Day of Prayer and Fasting team, talking about the history of prayer in the USA said, “President Abraham Lincoln, on 30 April 1863 called for a Day of ‘Humiliation, Prayer and Fasting’ at a time of great national crisis by Governmental decree which said, “We have grown in numbers, wealth and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God… It behooves us then, to humble ourselves… to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness”. Unfortunately, today America is again in a dangerous predicament because it has forgotten God. Sadly the situation in Australia is very similar. We in our nation have forgotten God and we are in danger of paying the price for our sin.”
Ps Warwick Marsh, also from the National Day of Prayer and Fasting team said, “We are thankful for America’s strong Christian heritage, but this will not save America, only the blood of Christ can. America and Australia need revival and reformation, as does the whole world. We all need more of God. We invite you and the nations of the world to join with us in four days of prayer and fasting for the USA.”
National Day of Prayer & Fasting.
By John D Robb
1. God desires and requires intercessory prayer for the accomplishment of His salvific purpose for the peoples of the earth.
Jesus told us to pray, "Thy will be done on earth as it is done in Heaven." Abraham interceded for Lot in Sodom, Moses prayed that God would turn from His wrath against Israel, Daniel for the return of Israel from Babylon. Ezekiel was told by God, "I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it but I found none" (Ez. 22:30}
Why does God desire and require His people's intercession? Most likely because God originally gave dominion of the earth to humankind. That dominion has never been revoked by God. Satan's dominion achieved through rebellion against the Creator is a false, illegitimate, usurped dominion. Redeemed through Christ, we can exercise our God-given right to influence the affairs of this world through the exercise of intercessory prayer. Like Kuwait's request for the multi-national force to come against the illegitimate dominion of Iraq, so we in prayer as God's redeemed children, pray that His will be done, His kingdom come on earth. Prayer in the power of the Holy Spirit breaks through the false dominion of the enemy, and clears the way for His deliverance and shalom to come to all peoples. Linked through prayer with the risen Christ, sitting at His side (Eph. 2) far above all authority and dominion, we share in the accomplishment of His redemptive purposes.
Dick Eastman, president of World Literature Crusade, recently shared with our staff at World Vision how early in 1988, God had led him to take a team of intercessors throughout Eastern Europe. Their mission was "to confront the strongholds of Communism." In obedience to God's leading, they carried out a "prayer walk" around the Politbureau building in Bucharest where less than two years later, Ceaucescu made his last stand after pridefully announcing his regime would last for a thousand years. While in Berlin, God led Dick to go out with a German friend in the middle of the night to face that still forbidding wall. Moved in intercessory prayer, they both laid their hands on the wall and prayed, "In the name of Jesus, come down!"
In the dramatic events of the last year in Eastern Europe God has used the prayers of His people to shake the nations. He can do the same thing in the unevangelized world. He is seeking those who will stand before him in the gap for the 2,000 major unreached peoples, the 1,000 unevangelized cities, and the 30 unevangelized countries.
2. Victory in the spiritual realm is primary, and it is won by prayer.
Remember Moses' intercession as he held up his hands before God while Joshua and the army of Israel fought the Amalekites in the valley below? Each time Moses' arms grew tired and faltered, Israel's army was pushed back. But as he sustained his stance in prayer with uplifted arms, the Israelites were victorious.
Later in Israel's history. King Jehoshaphat relied on the weapons of united fasting and prayer, public worship and praise which brought God's intervention against the invading armies of Israel's enemies. Bible teacher, Derek Prince, writes: "These weapons, scripturally employed by Christians today, will gain victories as powerful and dramatic as they gained for the people of Judah in the days of Jehoshaphat.... Victory in the spiritual realm is primary. It is to be obtained by spiritual weapons. Thereafter its outcome will be manifested in every area of the natural and material realm."
These two Biblical episodes vividly portray intercessory prayer as being the winning factor. Why should this be any different in today's battle for world evangelization?
3. Prayer has always undergirded and extended the missionary outreach of the church.
Prayer is mentioned over 30 times in the Book of Acts alone, and generally it is mentioned as occurring just before major breakthroughs in the outward expansion of the early Christian movement. For the Apostles extended times of united prayer and waiting on God together were pivotal in their mission to the unreached. Before the first great outpouring of the Spirit at Pentecost and Peter's mighty sermon that brought 3,000 into the church, it is recorded that the Apostles "all joined together constantly in prayer" (Acts 1:14). Then, as the Apostles and their new converts "devoted themselves to prayer," signs and wonders occurred, the city was filled with awe, and people were added to the church daily (2:42-44). It was "after they had prayed" that the place where they were meeting was shaken, all were filled with the Holy Spirit, and spoke the word of God with boldness (4:31).
The Apostles early on let it be known what their priority in mission was- "We will devote ourselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word" (6:4). The result of the Apostles determined adherence to this priority was that "The word of God spread and the number of disciples increased rapidly, and a large number of the priests became obedient to the faith" (6:7).
Peter's prayer resulted in signs and wonders such as the raising of Tabitha. Later it was a time of prayer that opened his eyes to the revelation that the gospel was also for the Gentiles, making him willing to go and preach to Cornelius. It was also the church's prayer that brought the release of Peter from prison.
A period of prayer and fasting by five leaders of the Antioch church led to the setting apart of Paul and Barnabus for their frontier mission to the Gentiles. Afterwards they were sent out with more fasting and prayer (13:1-3). It was through prayer that Paul was not allowed by the Spirit of Jesus to enter Bithynia, but redirected into Macedonia. And it was through the prayer and praise of God by the imprisoned Paul and Silas that an earthquake helped to originate the church at Philippi!
The whole European side of the modern Protestant missionary enterprise grew out of Pietism, a revival movement that was steeped in earnest prayer. From its influence the Danish-Halle Mission to India went forth and the Moravian movement under Count Zinzendorf emerged. One author writing about the Moravians said that "the glorious movement of the Spirit... among the Moravians at Herrnhut in 1727 [which] transformed them into what has been the mightiest evangelizing force in the world for the past two centuries, was borne in prayer."
The prayer meeting which the Moravians began in 1727 went on 100 years! By relays they offered unceasing prayer for the church and needs all around the world. This prayer effort kindled their desire to proclaim Christ to the unreached and led to the beginning of modem missions. And from this one small village, over 100 missionaries went out in 25 years.
Decades later, William Carey, while still employed as a humble shoe repairman to support his part-time preaching, drew a homemade map of the world, entering all information he could find about its regions and countries. As he mused over the world's appalling needs and problems, he turned the information gathered into heartfelt intercession. His biographer reveals: "Often in the silence of the night... by the dim rush light, he would scan that map and then kneeling before it, pour out his soul to God." Prayer for the world was a definite motive force in the call and service of the one who came to be known as "the father of modern Protestant missions."
In 1806, a few college students from William's College took refuge from a sudden rainstorm beneath a haystack. Sitting in the midst of hay, they used the time to pray for the world and its needs. Out of that unlikely venue for a prayer meeting, the American mission movement was born.
Robert Glover sums up the role of prayer in the history of missions:
"From Pentecost and the Apostle Paul, right down through the centuries to the present day, the story of missions has been the story of answered prayer. Every fresh outbreak of missionary energy has been the result of believing prayer. Every new missionary undertaking that has been owned and blessed of God has been the germinating of seed planted by the divine spirit in the hearts of praying saints."
John Robb, IPC Chairman
(Excerpted and adapted from the article by John Robb “Prayer as a Strategic Weapon in Frontier Mission” Published in the International Journal of Frontier Missiology in 1991)
Evangelical Call to Prayer for Peace on the Korean Peninsula March27, 2018
As American Christians with diverse approaches to force and nonviolence and yet all committed to pursuing peaceful relations among people and nations, we unite in prayer for permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula. We do this mindful of the millions of lives, including more than 230,000 Americans, that would be threatened by an escalation of conflict there.
We are heartened by proposals for dialogue between our national leaders at a time when increasing tensions seemed to be marching our countries perilously in the direction of greater conflict, if not war. We call on all Christians everywhere to join us in praying for a just and peaceful resolution.
We pray for wisdom for our political, diplomatic and military leaders as they work across differences toward a goal of peace, security and freedom. We pray that God will bless the efforts of citizens who seek to bridge the vast differences between our countries.
Decades of people-to-people contact between North Korea and the United States- through business, educational and other humanitarian exchanges - have put a human face on those who are sometimes characterized by one another as enemies. So, we pray with empathy and in a spirit of friendship, noting the image of God in every human being. However profound the differences between our governments, we do not view the North Korean people as our enemies. On the contrary, we desire only the best for the people of North Korea.
Most of the nearly two million Korean-Americans are Christians, and many belong to evangelical churches. This community too has contact with North Koreans through humanitarian and family ties. South Korea is also home to many evangelical churches, including some of the world’slargest. Many of these Korean brothers and sisters have been praying for North Korea for years and we humbly join them. These connections with Koreans in North Korea, South Korea and the United States strengthen our resolve to seek God for mercy and, so far as it depends on us, to pursue peace between our respective countries.
Leith Anderson – President -National Association of Evangelicals
President/CEO & Founder
Faith and Community Empowerment
Dr. John P Hartley Chair
Evangelicals for Peace
Rev. Johnnie Moore Founder
The Kairos Company
Nikki Toyama-Szeto Executive Director Evangelicals for Social Action
More info at:
PRAY: Let us continue to pray that the expected upcoming meeting between President Trump with Kim Jong Un will be used of the Lord to end the conflict, denuclearize the Korean peninsula and even to make possible the reunification of the two Koreas.
(Image:Route of AI139 passenger flight from New Delhi to Tel Aviv 22 March 2018)
From the evening of her re-birth 70 years ago, Israel, has been always keenly aware and wary of the vast desert kingdom spreading southeastward from her western neighbor Jordan.
Six months previous, Saudi Arabia had cast their vote against the UN Partition Plan paving the way for the birth of the Jewish State. Now, hours after Israel’s Declaration of Independence, as five Arab armies began their invasion to stamp out the new state, allied under the Egyptian army was a mass of soldiers sent from the Arabian Peninsula.
Twenty-five years later, the Saudis would again send troops to support Egypt in the 1973 War. Afterwards, although there have been no further military overtures, Saudi Arabia has continued to be seen as an enemy nation, one with a hatred for Israel and Jews (By law, no Jew is allowed to live in the Kingdom). They have never opened diplomatic relations with Israel. It was with uneasiness that Israel witnessed in 2010 the US sale of $60 billion worth of F-15 fighters, attack helicopters and advanced munitions to this unfriendly nation, some of whose borders lie only minutes by air from our capital.
For 70 years no Israeli passenger planes have been allowed over Saudi airspace (When, some years ago, the authors travelled to Thailand, our plane was forced to fly southwards along the Arava through the Gulf of Aqaba, then down the length of the Red Sea—with enemy state Sudan to the west, Saudi Arabia to the East— on southward to just before the Horn of Africa, where we finally made a sharp left turn eastwards out over the Arabian Sea towards India—
In recent years, there have been signs that this official stance of hostility may be, at some levels anyway, beginning cautiously to change. The Saudis came out with a “peace plan” related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. More recently, rumors began to surface of secret communications between the two countries. When the newly-elected President Trump made his maiden trip abroad last May, his first stop was to Saudi Arabia—from there his plane made one of the few flights ever allowed from Arabia to Israel.
With the remarkable reforms which appear to be attending the rise of Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman Al Saud, an unprecedented warming of relations with Israel has begun to be spoken of as a legitimate possibility (PM Netanyahu recently spoke of Israeli relations with the Arab world—obviously including Saudi Arabia—as “best ever.” As of this week, the flights from India over the Arabian peninsula will continue three times a week.
Then this past Thursday night, history was made. For the first time in Israel’s 70 year history, a passenger plane from another country was allowed to travel the length of the Arabian Peninsula (see map above) en-route to Tel Aviv. The Air India Boeing 787 from New Delhi touched down at Ben Gurion Airport at 10:15 p.m. Israeli Transport Minister Yisrael Katz described the occasion as “the first time that there is an official connection between the state of Israel and Saudi Arabia.” Of its enormous significance, one Israeli analyst observed that even in the absence of an Israeli-Palestinian peace treaty (considered for years a prerequisite for relations between Israel and the Arab world), “this shows you can have small gestures that are of real meaning.”
The most generally held explanation for this thaw in relations is that the Sunni Saudi government is eyeing the expansion of its Shi’ite arch-enemy Iran and its nearness to acquisition of nuclear weapons, and is therefore open to (at least temporarily) making an alliance with the Israelis, whom the Iranian Ayatolla’s have repeatedly vowed to annihilate. While not discounting this as a factor, we sense it is essential that we seek the Lord as to what He—Lord of the Nations—is doing. Of course there is war in the heavenlies, with evil powers and principalities over nations at war against the decrees of the Elyon—the Most High—on behalf of His redemptive purposes on the earth.
We believe that through the present year a season of grace is being extended in which nations are being granted opportunity for making choices as related to their alignments with God’s purposes in His covenant land and people Israel. How they choose will significantly determine their pathway in the season ahead—whether for blessing and awakening or for darkness and great deception and delusion. During this year, there will be nations whose past histories would have indicated them to be last in embracing Israel, which will turn towards here—others with reputations as friendly will turn away.
During this window of opportunity, the determined efforts of intercessors, though small in number, may have great influence in swaying the stance of their leaders towards that which is good. It is remarkable that we see the leadership of Egypt, with whom Arabia allied strongly in both the 1948 and 1973 wars against Israel, slowly but steadily engaging in more friendly relations with her. We believe this is being surely facilitated through the prayers of millions of Christian believers and the many houses of prayer in that land who love and are praying fervently towards the fulfillment of the Isaiah 19 “Highway” which God says will connect “Egypt My people” with “Israel My inheritance.”
If God has such plans for Egypt, where His people suffered bondage for 400 years, might He not also have redemptive plans for the Arabian Peninsula, where it is appears that these same Children of Israel may have wandered for 40 years in the desert? (In fact, in the opinion of a growing number of Biblical scholars, many factors point towards the very Mountain where the LORD came down and spoke with Moses as lying, not in the “Sinai Peninsula,” but in that area of Midian on the “back side” (i.e. the Arabian side) of the Gulf of Aqaba).
Might not this area of the world in which the delusion of Islam arose—a delusion which holds vast throngs of people throughout the nations in a bondage not unlike that typified by Egypt before the Exodus—might not this area where His manifest presence once moved among His people Israel be one in which the God of Salvation longs to begin releasing freedom to captivities from evil—even from its very source? Perhaps this itself sounds delusional. But God, whose greatness will dwell in Jerusalem, is beginning to shake things—“Let the peoples tremble…let the earth shake, YHWH is great in Zion, He is exalted above ALL peoples…They SHALL praise Your great and awesome name: Holy is He!” (Psalm 99:1-3). This includes those in captivity to darkness in Saudi Arabia!
Some of the Body of Messiah in Israel is using the shifts we sense occurring to stir us to pray for His life and blessing to spread over this great enemy from our past. After all, a part of our call, from the beginning, has been that through the seed of Abraham, every family and nation will find blessing! (Genesis 12:3; 22:18).
Will you join with us!
* That the Spirit which is drawing a new generation in Saudi Arabia towards regarding Israel with favor, will increase - that the leaders there would respond positively to this Spirit.
* That the “true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every human being” (John 1:9), will illumine hearts of Muslims throughout the Arabian Peninsula to the truth that Issa-Yasuah-Yeshua-Jesus who was born in Bethlehem is the divine Son of God and saviour of the World (We personally have heard testimonies of former Muslims who were illumined by this Light while on the Haj in Mecca itself!).
* For Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman Al Saud, that He will be protected in mind and body; that the Power which has already been at work in him towards releasing freedoms towards women, and other areas of his society which have for centuries lain in unjust bondage and oppression, that this Power will reveal itself in a personal way.
* For Israel’s leaders, to regard the initiatives in Saudi Arabia with wisdom, discernment and grace. That God will work His alliances between the two countries out in His way and timing.
* That the grace and favor which is presently linking India and Israel will be released over the Arabian peninsula over which their flights are now free to take place!
“In world first, Air India crosses Saudi airspace to Israel”: AFP (Reprinted in The Times of Israel: 22 March 2018).
Martin & Norma Sarvis
In 2207, 2009 and 2013, it was both a great challenge and privilege of the IPC to arrange international prayer initiatives with hundreds of prayer leaders and intercessor children from around the world to pray with ambassadors of the U.N. The Lord graciously worked in answer to the prayers of many and here is an encouraging report of recent developments there, thanks be to God!
“A brief testimony about what God is doing at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. So often we watch and pray for years and do the things we believe God has asked us to do. Then, all of a sudden, it’s as if the prayers that have been stored up in the bowls of heaven are poured out, and doors open that no man can shut.
For more then 25 years, there have been weekly prayer gatherings at the United Nations sponsored by Christian staff members, plus a weekly service with worship and a guest speaker. There are also many other organizations that have specific outreaches to the Ambassadors and monthly Bible Studies, all working hard to bring the presence and word of God into this global community.
In the fall of 2017, several of us who have been praying at the United Nations were invited by Pastor Jim Garlow of Skyline Church in San Diego, CA to come to San Diego for several days of prayer and conversation about a new ministry they wanted to launch to the United Nations. So we went and had the opportunity at the time to meet and pray with former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who had recently joined the Skyline Church staff as the Executive Director of “SkylineUN,” So, since early in January, several of us have been meeting weekly with her for a time of worship and prayer within the United Nations, asking God to open doors and visit this global community with an outpouring of His Spirit. So, fast-forward to March 2018.
The testimony I want to share is of what God did during the 62nd Commission on the Status of Women’s conference at the United Nations headquarters in New York City. This year’s theme was “Empowering Rural Women and Girls.” Individuals from around the world attend this 2-week conference, and many of the Member States host side events to address issues affecting women and children around the world. We approached the Mission of Guatemala about hosting an event. Their response was that you have to apply for a conference room months in advance because the available spaces fill up quickly. But God….,! We asked just 2 weeks prior to the opening of the conference, and there was nothing available, so we just kept praying and then we heard on a Thursday afternoon that there was one room available on the following Tuesday. So, in just four days we had to get speakers, pick the theme, and make a flyer to get approved to go up on the UN’s Digital Messaging board.
When God opens a doo, He makes a way where there seems to be no way! We put together a panel of five amazing women, a multi-ethnic and multi-generational representation, with the theme, “Personal Stories of Women’s Journey’s in Leadership”. Honestly our expectation was that we would be happy if 25 people showed up for our event since our flyer went up on the messaging board the day before our event and most organization’s events had been advertised for weeks. So, we gathered early that morning before our event and prayed fervently that God would use the testimonies of each one’s journey and how instrumental God and Faith were in those journeys. God did not disappoint. He showed up in a big way. The room was packed with such a diverse group of young and old and many different nations represented, with standing room only! Women in the audience had tears in their eyes, as each of our speakers shared how they found their identity through their faith. Not one person left, even when each one spoke of Jesus and how He brought them through trials and testing on their journeys! At the end of our session we had many attendees follow us out into the hall to ask questions and to speak to us. Many come up to thank us afterward for the event. We were blessed to pray with several women who are leading in their nations. One woman remarked, “I’ve never seen anything like this at the United Nations before!”
The Spirit of God was truly at work. We praise God for what He did and is doing at the United Nations!
- Please join us in praying for those who heard our session. We are praying the seeds that were planted during would take root in the hearts of all and that they would each come to know the love and saving grace of our Heavenly Father.
- Praythat Guatemala will be able to reserve a conference room on a weekly basis so we can gather for Worship and the Word within the Secretariat.
Jody Wood,
New York City Intercessors
Pray: In addition, let us continue to pray for God’s working in the hearts of the ambassadors and staff at the U.N. that they will come to know the Lord of the Nations Himself, Jesus Christ. May they hunger to know Him and to become His vehicle for bringing peace and development to the poor and the suffering around our world. Satan would like the U.N. to serve his purpose as a preparer of the way for the Antichrist and the global oppressive control he will represent. Pray that instead God’s good and loving intentions will prevail as never before in that influential body of diplomats.