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Super User

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Friday, 24 November 2017 13:51

UK documentary director David Cohen filmed Israel's humanitarian work treating victims of Syria's civil war. ‘Love Your Enemies’ was premiered at a special Westminster screening. It featured interviews with medics and patients of pioneering surgery on horrific wounds at hospitals in Western Galilee. The film was enthusiastically received by an audience including former Cabinet Minister Stephen Crabb, Labour’s Ian Austin, Andrew Percy MP, and Israeli deputy ambassador Sharon Bar-li. But in a question and answer session following the hour long film Mr Cohen revealed that discussions with the BBC and Channel 4 over purchasing the film had so far proved fruitless. Israel and Syria are two enemy states, however a young Syrian patient said, ‘we are taught that Israel is the enemy – but all I have seen here is humanity.’ Unfortunately a documentary showing ground-breaking medical relief treatment of 4000+ Syrian war victims was considered ‘too Zionist’ for mainstream British television.

Friday, 24 November 2017 13:50

Lebanon has a delicate shared power tradition of a Maronite Christian President and Sunni Muslim Prime Minister. On 5th November Prime Minister Saad Hariri suddenly disappeared, fearing assassination and turned up in Saudi Arabia, claiming he is free and will soon return to Lebanon. His sudden resignation coincides with an aggressive purge of rivals by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in his anti-corruption drive. Iran backs Hezbollah, who play a dominant role in Lebanese politics. There is heightened tension between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Hariri ‘said’ he hoped his resignation was a positive shock between the nations. Many doubt the authenticity of the statement; fearing Lebanon's crisis will set the stage for a Middle East calamity. Christians usually suffer in these regional conflicts. Windows International are asking people to pray for: -truth and transparency to emerge as Lebanon and other countries seek answers to Hariri's strange disappearance; -Prime Minister Saad Hariri and his family’s safety and freedom of movement.

Friday, 24 November 2017 13:49

Nearly 7,700 homes and buildings burned in Northern California’s unprecedented wildfires. Like many others, they had minutes to grab important documents and photo albums. ‘The day after the fire my mother-in-law spent the afternoon searching through rubble. She returned weary but eager to show me one find; her mother’s porcelain Christmas ornaments, still dusted in ash. This struck me as a picture of grace. At Christmas we decorate trees. As Christians, we do this in celebration of God’s merciful plan for redemption - Christ   came to earth to die for sinners, the just for the unjust, making good the destruction sin has wrought. Yet, how often do I sing ‘Amazing Grace’ without amazement, blinded by comforts and my perceived self-sufficiency. Thank God for being at work in trials and suffering. Praise Him whether you are in plenty or in want, whether well fed or hungry.

Friday, 24 November 2017 13:48

Over 700 languages are spoken in Indonesia and people are scattered across 6,000 islands varying in composition from rural fishing villages to highly metropolitan mega cities. Persecution is a reality for many believers in the most populous Muslim nation in the world. Although only 15% of the population follow Christ, the Indonesian church is experiencing profound unity as a result of the persecution, and mission organizations are growing in number. Indonesian believers also face a unique challenge as many of their neighbours are in geographical transition due to large-scale resettlement projects, migration, and forced relocation after natural disasters. However, the emergence of Indonesian (a form of  Malay) as the national language has allowed the Gospel to be communicated across ethnic and geographic borders as never before.

Friday, 24 November 2017 13:44

On the 22nd November, when President Mugabe resigned, celebrations on the streets resembled scenes inside a stadium after a soccer world cup victory. Like many Sub Saharan Africa countries, Zimbabwe’s population is young, 60% of the population is under 25 and 70% have known no other president. His successor Mr Mnangagwa, when minister for national security, was notorious for overseeing the the brutal 1983 campaign against supporters of Mugabe rival Joshua Nkomo. It became known as ‘Matabeleland massacres’. Between 10,000 and 20,000 Ndebele people died during the civil conflict, which involved the Zimbabwean Fifth Brigade, equipped and trained by North Korea. Mnangagwa is rumoured to have amassed a sizeable fortune, been involved in developing Harare diamond trading and was targeted by US sanctions early 2000, for undermining democratic development in Zimbabwe.  He was also investigated by the UN for exploitation of mineral resources in Congo. Pray that his succession is not a continuation of the corrupt status quo.

Friday, 24 November 2017 13:43

Austrian far-right Party, FPO is talking with conservative party, OVP, and people have been protesting against the administration including FPO. FPO had led in the polls for two years - then Mr Kurz became chairman of the ÖVP and his charisma kept FPO (with neo-Nazi roots) from running the country. To govern Mr Kurz needs a coalition partner, and the FPÖ, was his first choice. Coalition talks began three weeks ago but nothing has yet been agreed. In Germany, coalition talks collapsed after a deadlock on migration and energy caused the FDP to quit negotiations. Angela Merkel faces either forming a minority government, or fresh elections. Many are wondering, ‘Is Europe fending off a populist uprising?’ see

Friday, 24 November 2017 13:42

This year, 2,800 refugees and migrants have perished in the Mediterranean, while countless others died crossing the Sahel desert. The UN Secretary General said there is displacement, and discrimination against refugees and increasing xenophobia that needs addressing.    There is a need to re-establish the integrity of the refugee protection regime on both sides of the Mediterranean. Challenges facing the region include illicit trade in narcotics, weapons and petroleum products, refugees and migrants managed by smugglers, traffickers, and maritime pirates. (The Mediterranean Sea provides economic resources of hydrocarbons, fish stocks and invaluable trade routes.) But its benefits depend on stability and security cooperation.

Friday, 24 November 2017 13:39

If we want to pray for all in authority over Europe we should look at the CoE. It is an institution of 47 nations separate from the EU with headquarters in Strasbourg, France. It’s a parliamentary assembly of delegates from national parliaments and has its roots in being one of the first attempting to reconstruct Europe after WWII. It has the oversight of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and through the work of their Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) it oversees subjects as diverse as non-discrimination, protection of children's rights, election observation and upholding freedom of expression. Our nation’s delegates to the PACE can be found at

Friday, 24 November 2017 13:38

The Christian Post recently joined Cross Catholic Outreach to pack Box of Joy gifts for children around the world. James Cavnar, president of the organization, was inspired by Samaritan's Purse to approach Catholic churches to follow in the evangelical organization's footsteps during the holidays. Operation Christmas Child is a popular evangelism tool used by Samaritan's Purse during Christmas to help provide gifts to children in need. Cross Catholic Outreach modelled their program, Box of Joy, after the same format and fills shoeboxes with gifts for less fortunate children. This year, Cross Catholic Outreach will send 60,000 boxes to children in Nicaragua, Guatemala, Dominican Republic and Haiti.

Friday, 24 November 2017 13:34

In August 2011, Tottenham Hale in north London was at the centre of a series of riots, arson attacks and looting which ignited in London, the Midlands and the north-west of England. Two years later the work started on building St Francis. The first purpose built local church in 40 years provides a place of worship and also allows the congregation to grow and play an important role at the heart of Tottenham Hale life by hosting pop up cafés and the Make Lunch project, designed to tackle food poverty in the area.  The new St Francis in the Engine Room Church is part of a planned 100 new Christian communities to be planted in the diocese. Elsewhere in London, planners have given consent for the 1970s Holy Trinity Church in Swiss Cottage to be demolished and replaced by a six-storey complex including a 450-seater auditorium, recording studio, and accommodation for vulnerable young people.