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Friday, 23 December 2022 15:37

Hospitals in China appear to be filling up amid concerns about a fresh Covid-19 wave hitting the country, the World Health Organization (WHO) says.  Dr Michael Ryan says intensive care units (ICU) are busy despite officials saying numbers are "relatively low".  In recent days hospitals in Beijing and other cities have been filling up as the latest Covid surge hits China.

Since 2020, China has imposed strict health restrictions as part of its zero Covid policy.

But, the government ended most of those measures two weeks ago after landmark protests against the strict controls.

In a significant easing of Covid controls, the Chinese government said that people will no longer need to show negative virus tests or health codes in order to travel between different parts of the country. Chinese authorities also said that unless an area is designated as high-risk, work and local production cannot be stopped.

In an example of how strict Covid controls had become in mainland China, the capital city of Beijing this year increasingly required people to scan a health code with a smartphone app in order to enter public venues. The health code then had to show a negative virus test result from within the last two or three days.  If the health code decided the user had come into contact with an infection or Covid risk area, the app would show a pop-up window, making it impossible for the person to enter public areas, or board a train or airplane until the pop-up was resolved.  The capital city relaxed its health code scanning requirements on Tuesday.

Despite a national easing in Covid measures in mid-November, a surge of infections and the ensuing local implementation of China’s stringent zero-Covid policy added to people’s frustration with the controls. Students and groups of people held public protests during the last weekend of November.  The unrest was triggered by a fire in a high-rise block in the western Xinjiang region that killed 10 people last week. Many Chinese believe long-running Covid restrictions in the city contributed to the deaths, although the authorities deny this.

It led to days of widespread protests across various cities, which have since ebbed amid a heavy police presence.  Thousands of Chinese in more than 20 cities took to the streets beginning on November 25, frustrated by lengthy COVID-19 lockdowns, widespread testing and other restrictions placed on people's movements. It was one of the largest acts of public dissent in China in decades.

While most of the protesters focused their anger on the government's COVID-19 policies, some also demanded the resignation of President Xi Jinping. The government considers such speech subversive.  Though government officials did not publicly mention the protesters, they suggested easing restrictions within days of the first protests to head off any more demonstrations.  Videos of protesters across the country captured demonstrators raising blank sheets of paper, a quiet show of dissent and a tactic used to evade censorship and prosecution.

More:   CNBC, VOA

Pray:    From Premier Christian News

Almighty God,

May you bless all who are persecuted and under threat.

We pray for an end to the unrest in China, Iran and other parts of the world.

May those who do not know you, come to follow you and your example of love and hope.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Friday, 23 December 2022 15:35

A 5.8-magnitude earthquake hit Indonesia’s main island of Java on 8th December with no immediate reports of damage, less than a month after another quake in the same province killed more than 300 people.

The quake struck at 07:50 am local time (0050 GMT) around 15 kilometres from the town of Cianjur, epicentre of November’s devastating tremor, the United States Geological Survey said. It said there was a low likelihood of casualties or damage following the quake, which struck at a depth of 123 kilometres (76 miles).

Last month, a shallow 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit Cianjur, triggering landslides and collapsing buildings, killing at least 334 people, injuring thousands and leaving tens of thousands more homeless.

Save the Children warned this week that evacuees faced a “ticking time bomb” of disease and infection due to poor living conditions. Thousands of cases of respiratory infections and hundreds of cases of diarrhoea have been reported.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo is visiting the area on Thursday to distribute aid to affected residents. The tremor that struck Cinajur on November 21 was the deadliest in the archipelago nation since a 2018 quake and resulting tsunami killed more than 4,000 people on the island of Sulawesi.  Indonesia experiences frequent seismic and volcanic activity due to its position on the Pacific “Ring of Fire”, where tectonic plates collide.


Pray:    President of the Uniting Church in Australia Rev Sharon Hollis has offered this prayer:

God of mercy,
We pray for the people of Indonesia
and particularly the people of West Java
following the recent earthquake.
Be with them as they search for survivors
and recover the bodies of those who have died.

God of love we pray
For comfort for those grieving
For healing for those who are injured
For strength for first responders and medical staff
For wisdom for those who will plan the recovery.
Grant the people of West Java courage and strength
as they rebuild homes and businesses.
Grant them hope and resilience
as they rebuild lives and communities.

Stir up a spirit of generosity in us
that we may respond to the needs of our neighbours
with abundance and open heartedness. Amen.

Friday, 23 December 2022 15:35

More than 20 million men, women and children continue to depend on humanitarian assistance across Ethiopia. Millions have seen their source of livelihood disrupted when they were uprooted from their homes fleeing hostilities or drought.

Parents have seen their children suffer from malnutrition for lack of adequate food and water and associated diseases due to weakened immunity. Others could no longer send their children to school due to insecurity, migration or destroyed income source.

Many have fallen ill from disease outbreaks such as cholera, which are the by-products of shortage of clean water. Women and children also continue to face increased protection risks in conflict areas as well as in drought-affected areas when they make treacherous long journeys in search of water.

Halfway through the year, the number of people targeted for lifesaving multi-sectoral assistance across Ethiopia had already increased by 11 per cent and needs in 2023 are expected to remain high. According to the Global Humanitarian Overview for 2023 that was officially launched on 1 December 2022, more than 26 million people in Ethiopia are estimated to require assistance in the coming year and US$3.5 billion is required to meet all the needs.

More than 3.6 million children in Ethiopia have never been to school or have dropped out due to a combination of conflict, climate change and displacement, according to UNICEF.  The number of out-of-school children in Ethiopia has spiked from 3.1 million to 3.6 million in the last six months driven in part by recent conflict in Afar, Amhara and Tigray regions and ongoing violence in parts of Oromia causing further civilian displacement.

More:  reliefweb, savethechildren

Pray:    For children who have no access to or experience of education.  That they may be closely held and protected them from evil. (Psalm 82:3-4)

                For adequate water and food supplies, and relief where these are not readily available. (Job 5:20)

                For an end to violence and civilian displacement in the regions of Afar, Amhara, Tigray and Oromia

Friday, 23 December 2022 15:33

During 2023, millions of believers around the world will be committing to ‘Pray Together’ for gospel movements in the Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish and Hindu nations. 

We are committing to pray on 4 Global Days of Prayer

  • Chinese New Year Jan 22nd 8am (EST) to 8am (EST) – Praying Together for the Buddhist world and China
  • Night of Power - April 17th 8am (EST) to 8am (EST) – Praying Together for the Muslim World during their traditional Night of Power
  • Pentecost Sunday May 28th 8am (EST) to 8am (EST) – Praying Together for the Salvation of Jewish unbelievers around the world, the Outpouring of the Spirit, and the Return of Christ
  • India Day - Global Day of Prayer for India and the Hindu World – October 31st – 8am (EST) to 8am (EST) - Praying Together for India and the Hindu world

IPC Dec 2022 09bWe will focus our prayers on strategic unreached cities in each of these nations. 90 percent of the remaining unreached peoples of the world live in or near 110 strategic mega cities in these Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish and Hindu nations.  

Each of these 4 days are important times when the unreached peoples of these cities are often more open and receptive to the Gospel.  Many are reaching out to families and neighbors with the good news of Jesus during these special days!

We want to invite you to join us during these 4 Global Days of Prayer in 2023. You can pray with your family, from your home, at work, in your house church, local church, house of prayer, prayer tower, etc. Commit to pray on each of these four days as the Lord leads you. We will provide you with profiles, maps and prayer points to help guide your prayers. You can also join us online if you would like to pray with gifted men and women of prayer from around the world at the Global Family 24-7 Prayer Room!

Little Keys open Big Doors – Let’s take this little key called prayer, put it in God’s hands and see him open up a big door called Revival and Awakening!  Your prayer matters – God releases his power in response to the prayers of his people! Let’s join our voices before the throne with millions of believers in Christ-exalting, Bible-based, Worship-Fed, Spirit led prayer and believe God to do immeasurably more than all we could ever ask or even imagine, all for His Glory, for our Joy and for the salvation of multitudes of people amongst the Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish and Hindu worlds!

For the Supremacy of Christ in all things

Dr. Jason Hubbard – Director
International Prayer Connect

Friday, 23 December 2022 15:32

Will you join us in Praying for the Buddhist World during the 21-day lead up to Chinese New Year?

We are calling Christians and churches worldwide to take 21 days, January 2- 22, to learn about and pray for our world’s Buddhist friends. With an illustrated and helpful guide, we invite you to pray specifically that Jesus Christ will become known to the one billion people across the globe who are at least nominally Buddhist.

We are encouraging believers to ask the Father to give his Son these Buddhist nations as his inheritance (Psalm 2:8). Let’s ask the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers (Matt 9:38) to key Buddhist cities as messengers of Hope, drenched with the Spirit of God, in the power of God for the mission of God!

Browse the Buddhist Prayer Guide

Each day, beginning January 2 – 22, 2023, you will learn something about Buddhist practice and influence in a different place including some specific prayer points for key Buddhist cities in countries with large Buddhist populations like China, Thailand, Japan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, and Laos. The last few pages of this guide include key Scriptures to use as we participate in ‘Bible-based’ Prayer!    

We want to encourage you to consider adding ‘fasting’ to your times of prayer. We know that the Buddhist peoples of these lands are in need of spiritual breakthrough. The discipline of fasting - abstaining from food for spiritual purposes - is a powerful weapon in spiritual warfare as we cry out for deliverance for our Buddhist friends.

A special focus for this year is the country of China. This guide culminates on January 22 - Chinese New Year. We profile eight of China’s largest cities, and a specific people group within each city to pray for.


Let’s pray for the salvation of the peoples of China.

Pray for the Lord to send Chinese believers as missionaries to the remaining unreached peoples.

Pray for unity amongst the churches and leaders of China.

And pray for Chinese families and children to be awakened to Christ for all that He is!

The name Buddha means ‘awakened one.’ Buddhist’s claim to be enlightened with divine revelation. Let’s pray on behalf of our Buddhist friends worldwide to experience a ‘Christ – awakening.’ May they awaken to Jesus Christ for all that He is by the Spirit of the Living God.  As the Apostle Paul shared,

“For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” – 2 Cor. 4:6

The Buddhist World Prayer Guide is available in 20 languages online and 10 as a PDF download and is being distributed through more than 1000 prayer networks worldwide.

We hope you can join us and add your prayers with millions of Jesus followers around the world for a Global Christ-awakening amongst our Buddhist friends. 

May we win for the Lamb who was slain the due reward for his sufferings!

Dr. Jason Hubbard – Director

International Prayer Connect

Friday, 23 December 2022 15:30

People are More Open to the Gospel During the Holidays!

The photo above is from a church service in India where hundreds of churches worked together to share their faith during the holidays.

The Christmas season is here! And so are opportunities to share your faith. Holiday gatherings, presents, and parties open doors to sharing your faith.

A friend from Chile reported last year: "This Christmas we saw many children coming to Christ, let's not think they don't understand, they are more open today to receive Christ in their lives! "

IPC Dec 2022 11bWhat an amazing testimony of reaching children with the true message of Christmas - Christ with us. You can be a part of reaching the nations with the message of salvation during the holidays!

I want to reach people for Christ during Christmas!

The holiday season is here! Watch GO MOVEMENT's socials for how you can reach our friends and family with the message of salvation!

People are open to the Gospel during this time. We want to provide resources to help you share your faith.

God bless you,

Werner Nachtigal - Founder

Friday, 23 December 2022 15:29

Jesus is the ultimate man of prayer! Like the disciples, we will come and ask the Lord Jesus, “teach us to pray” at this course starting on January 5, 2023! – Led by Dr Jason Hubbard.

During this course we will explore the prayers of Jesus, the parables of Jesus on prayer, the interconnection between prayer and world mission, prayer and spiritual warfare, and the posture and position of prayer witnessed in the Gospels.

You will leave this course with the practical tools to encounter the Triune God of grace in conversation, intimacy, and effective intercession!

More info & Sign Up:

Friday, 23 December 2022 15:26

We are excited to continue our GO PRAY 1st Friday, 'Praying for the Harvest' with key prayer ministries from around the world.

We will meet together on January 6th, 6:00am - 7:00am (pacific) to pray together with Teaching and worship, led by Dr Jason Hubbard (IPC).

Then from 7:00am - 8:00am we will pray for the Buddhist World: 24/7 prayer and Breakthrough of the Gospel!

As always, our primary prayer focus is that Jesus Christ will be exalted, honored, and treasured in the nations! 

May He be 'revealed' that He might be 'revered.'  May He have the Supremacy and Pre-eminence in all things, Col. 1:18 ... He is Worthy! 

GO PRAY - 1st FRIDAY –  January 6th 2023


More info and register to Join us at

Friday, 23 December 2022 15:23


Discover Your Place in God's Story.


During your five days you will experience teaching to enlarge your vision, ministry times to hear the Lord’s voice and encounter Him, worship in the Global Prayer Room (where prayer with worship have gone on for the past 22+ years), and so much more.

Be equipped with practical ministry opportunities, prayer and worship labs, hands-on experience, and tools that will give you confidence as you take your place in the story that will make Jesus famous to all the ends of the earth.

Each day of Immerse is packed full, from morning through evening. A more detailed schedule will be provided upon arrival.

IPC Dec 2022 14bDaily Schedule - What You Can Expect

Morning Coffee Connects
Morning & Afternoon Sessions
Breaks for Lunch and Dinner
Time in the Global Prayer Room
Harp & Bowl Lab
Evening Events

Core Teaching - What You Will Learn

Intimacy With God
The Global Prayer Movement
The Lifestyle of a Forerunner
The Israel Mandate
God’s Global End-Time Plan

More info and Sign Up:

Friday, 23 December 2022 15:22

110 Cities Prayer

21 Days Buddhist World Prayer – Prayer Guide

Global Family 24-7 Prayer Room

Prayer Covenant for Children Mobile App

WPA 2.0 Replays

Last Quarter Evangelism - Oct 1 to Dec 31

Revive Europe – 28 Dec – 2 Jan

New Years Day Prayer Relay – Jan 1st 2023

Jesus and Prayer (Free Online Course) Comm Jan 5

1st Friday - GO PRAY – Jan 6th 2023

IHOPKC Immerse Jan 23-27

Africa Regional Prayer Conference
Jan 31st – Feb 4th