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Tuesday, 17 February 2015 00:00

Councils are putting the elderly and disabled ‘up for auction’ on eBay-style websites where care homes bid against each other to offer them a bed. More than a dozen local authorities are listing vulnerable people’s details including their age and what care and medication they need. Care homes in the area are then invited to bid to offer the elderly person a home. Often, the cheapest offer wins. The bidding is sometimes open for only a few hours but at other times it can last for two or three days. It means the patient or their family often do not see the care home, and that those running the home do not see the patient before they arrive. One critic likened the system to ‘auctioning your granny’ and said it was like a ‘cattle market’. Others complained that computers are only interested in costs and should not be making sensitive decisions about an elderly resident’s final years.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015 00:00

An urgent review of parish structure - including the number of churchwardens and other office-holders - is needed to release the time and energy of clergy and lay people for mission in rural areas, a report has recommended. The report, 'Released for Mission: Growing the rural Church', will be debated at General Synod next week. Two-thirds of C of E churches are in rural areas, but fewer than half the clergy serve in them. The vast majority of rural churches are in multi-parish benefices or groupings. Clergy working in multi-church groups - some of whom have as many as 11 or more churches to look after - report feelings of exhaustion, as they rush to conduct as many services in as many churches as possible each Sunday. The Bishop of Knaresborough, the Rt Revd James Bell, said, ‘Rural ministry must be re-thought in a way that is authentic to the place and people to whom the Church is reaching out.’

Tuesday, 17 February 2015 00:00

New plans to reduce the number of ‘avoidable deaths’ in English hospitals have been unveiled by Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt. Mr Hunt said an annual review of 2,000 cases of patients who later died would allow hospitals to be ranked according to avoidable mortality rates. Mr Hunt said there were about 1,000 avoidable deaths in the NHS per month. These statistics would be used to establish a national rate of avoidable deaths. As part of the drive, hospital chairmen will have to update the Health Secretary every year with their plans to eradicate avoidable deaths. Mr Hunt also promised additional training for new clinical staff.  Hospital mortality rates expert Professor Nick Black said: ‘A national annual review would place England as the first country in the world to monitor the extent of avoidable deaths, and provide a basis for stimulating quality improvement in each individual hospital.’

Tuesday, 17 February 2015 00:00

The Prince of Wales has appealed for bridges to be built between faiths as he expressed his alarm at the number of young people in Britain being radicalised. Prince Charles said ‘The frightening part is that people can be so radicalised either by contact with somebody else or through the internet.  I can see, I suppose, to a certain extent, some aspect of this radicalisation is a search for adventure and excitement at a particular age.’ In the interview with BBC Radio 2’s Sunday Hour, he also suggested that when he becomes king he may still be sworn in as Defender of the (Anglican) Faith, following years of speculation that the title could be changed to encompass all faiths. He added that he had ‘deep concerns’ for churches in the Middle East and feared there would soon be very few Christians left in the region.

Friday, 06 February 2015 00:00

Most evangelical Christians are committed to voting in the election, according to results of a new study by the Evangelical Alliance. Of the 2,000 evangelical Christians surveyed, 94 per cent said they were likely to vote, and of these, 80 per cent they would definitely vote. Lyndon Bowring, executive chairman of CARE, is encouraging Christians to do more than put a cross by a name. Bucking the trend of disillusionment with the state of politics in the UK, Bowring argues that Christians should exercise grace and support their MP. ‘How many churches invite their local MP to come, whatever his beliefs are?’ asks Bowring. ‘Offer to pray for him.’ Prayer is one way to respond, but if you're looking for something more concrete, holding a hustings at your church may be another answer. It provides an opportunity to hear from all the candidates standing in the constituency and learn more about their policies and principles'.

Friday, 06 February 2015 00:00

Most evangelical Christians are committed to voting in the election, according to results of a new study by the Evangelical Alliance. Of the 2,000 evangelical Christians surveyed, 94 per cent said they were likely to vote, and of these, 80 per cent they would definitely vote. Lyndon Bowring, executive chairman of CARE, is encouraging Christians to do more than put a cross by a name. Bucking the trend of disillusionment with the state of politics in the UK, Bowring argues that Christians should exercise grace and support their MP. ‘How many churches invite their local MP to come, whatever his beliefs are?’ asks Bowring. ‘Offer to pray for him.’ Prayer is one way to respond, but if you're looking for something more concrete, holding a hustings at your church may be another answer. It provides an opportunity to hear from all the candidates standing in the constituency and learn more about their policies and principles'.

Friday, 06 February 2015 00:00

A ‘culture of fear’ is preventing many churchgoers from inviting friends or relatives to services, a co-founder of the Back to Church Sunday campaign, Michael Harvey, says. Worshippers are frightened that an approach could lead to rejection, a lost friendship, or a damaged relationship, Mr Harvey says. He is the business consultant who, in 2004, helped launch the campaign, which has since expanded into the Season of Invitation. The survey group Christian Research found that 52 per cent of 1153 members of its Resonate panel showed ‘a deep-seated reluctance or resistance’ to inviting people to church. Disclosing early findings last week at Durham University, in a presentation, ‘Developing a Culture of Invitation’, Mr Harvey said: ‘Tellingly, although the question invited people to suggest what their church could do to help them invite people, most comments cited critical reasons why they would not invite anyone to their church’.

Friday, 06 February 2015 00:00

Born-again Christians whose adopted children have been taken into care say they are being persecuted for their religious beliefs by social workers. In one case, parents say social workers accused them of causing emotional abuse with their strict parenting methods, which included smacking a child’s hand and punishing children for swearing by putting soap on their lips. They claim they were described as ‘cult’ members by social workers despite their church following the Alpha Course, the dominant strand of evangelism in Britain, followed by 20m people worldwide, including the adventurer Bear Grylls. Andrea Williams, chief executive of the campaign group Christian Concern, said: ‘We are seeing a worrying trend whereby Christian parents are being treated with suspicion because of their faith’.

Friday, 06 February 2015 00:00

Born-again Christians whose adopted children have been taken into care say they are being persecuted for their religious beliefs by social workers. In one case, parents say social workers accused them of causing emotional abuse with their strict parenting methods, which included smacking a child’s hand and punishing children for swearing by putting soap on their lips. They claim they were described as ‘cult’ members by social workers despite their church following the Alpha Course, the dominant strand of evangelism in Britain, followed by 20m people worldwide, including the adventurer Bear Grylls. Andrea Williams, chief executive of the campaign group Christian Concern, said: ‘We are seeing a worrying trend whereby Christian parents are being treated with suspicion because of their faith’.

Friday, 06 February 2015 00:00

People with learning disabilities, admitted to hospitals for assessment and treatment, have been badly let down by the government. More than two years after since its response to the abuse of patients at the Winterbourne View hospital, the government has failed to meet its core commitment to move people out of mental health hospitals and into the community by June 2014. In a joint statement, the charities Mencap and the Challenging Behaviour Foundation, said a report by the National Audit Office that there are still 2,600 inpatients in mental health hospitals in England showed ‘abject failure’ to tackle the issue. Ministers agreed in 2012 that any inpatients with a learning disability or challenging behaviour would be better off cared for in the community, not locked in an institution as if they were prisoners. Pray for legislative options to give people with learning disabilities and their families a stronger voice and more rights.