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Super User

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur

Friday, 22 August 2014 01:00

2,255 potential victims of human trafficking were encountered in 2012 in the U.K. Recent statistics from the Human Trafficking Foundation released on 22 April 2014 stated that ‘14,000 visas are issued each year to migrant domestic workers accompanying employers to the UK. There is little evidence as to what happens to the majority. Research since the 2012 visa changes warns that tying Migrant Domestic Workers (MDWs) to employers facilitates their abuse. Most recently the Report of the Joint Committee on the Draft Modern Slavery Bill recommended that the 2012 changes be reversed. Many victims come from countries in Southeast Asia and indebt themselves to an agent in order to secure a job in the Middle East. MDWs then accompany the employer to the UK, live Live in their employer’s house and depend on them for all information about the UK as well as their immigration status. They are vulnerable to abuses of forced labour and servitude.

Thursday, 14 August 2014 01:00

Growing numbers of young people are admitting to self-harming behaviour, according to a leading charity in the field. Rachel Welch, director of, a project dedicated to supporting young people impacted by self-harm, said: ‘It's fair to say we are seeing a trend of increased self-harm. More and more young people - from all walks of life - are coming forward and making disclosures. It may be that we are on the edge of a horrific epidemic, but it's important we look at things more objectively. The recent increase of media reporting means that we are getting better at talking and more familiar with finding terminology to describe what's happening.’ She was speaking as new NHS figures released to The Times showed self-harming among children as young as 10 has surged by 70 per cent in the past two years.

Thursday, 14 August 2014 01:00

The number of Children worrying about their parents’ divorce or separation dramatically increased last year, according to ChildLine in Scotland. NSPCC Scotland, which runs the ChildLine service, reported that they gave almost 600 counselling sessions to children about the issue in 2012-13, – a rise of 171 per cent. A child affected said she felt ‘stuck in the middle’ and as if she had to ‘make everyone else happy all the time’. NSPCC Scotland said the figures revealed the ‘huge impact’ of difficult family relationships. ChildLine Service Manager, Susan Dobson, said there were many family issues raised by children: ‘Some of these children need somewhere to vent, but for many they’re facing a really difficult time at home and are desperate for reassurance and a safe space to share their fears.’

Thursday, 14 August 2014 01:00

The most senior figure in the Church of Ireland has strongly rejected a former Archbishop of Canterbury’s arguments in favour of ‘assisted dying’. Archbishop of Armagh Richard Clarke said that he found Lord Carey’s comments in support of allowing the terminally ill to have help to end their own lives ‘perplexing’. Writing in a News Letter on Friday, the Primate of All Ireland, whose wife died from cancer five years ago, said that support for helping the terminally ill to end their lives was neither in keeping with Christian teaching nor even some secular understandings of the sanctity of life. Last month the generally conservative Lord Carey stunned Anglicanism when he said that he had changed his mind on the issue and would support a bill brought forward by former Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer which would allow mentally-capable adults with less than six months to live to get help to end their lives. (See also Prayer Alert 27-2014

Thursday, 14 August 2014 01:00

The Spending Plans Task Group of the Church Commissioners and Archbishops' Council has awarded £4.6m to projects from five dioceses from the new stream of Strategic Development Funding. Birmingham, Chelmsford, Leicester, Liverpool and Sheffield have all received grants for growth and change projects in their diocese. The funding is being awarded in several stages: the first applications for a pot of £7.5m were restricted to the poorest dioceses in the Church of England. The aim of the funding is to sit alongside existing funding distributed to dioceses each year, so they can benefit from a one-off injection of money to make a significant difference to their long-term mission and financial strength, by supporting major projects. The funding was awarded after a competitive process, in which dioceses were invited to put forward initial applications to the Task Group. Those proposals which met the criteria most strongly were then invited to submit detailed project plans. 

Thursday, 14 August 2014 01:00

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has banned an offensive advert featuring a digitally altered image of the Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil. The image depicted Jesus with his arm around a bikini-clad woman, holding a champagne bottle and celebrating a gambling win. The advert was placed by Sporting Index Ltd in the City AM newspaper. The ASA received 25 complaints - including one from the Evangelical Alliance - and found the advert ‘was likely to cause offence to a significant number of Christians, regardless of this humorous intention... because it depicted the person of Jesus in a context at odds with commonly held beliefs about the nature of Christ’. The ASA ordered Sporting Index Ltd not to use the image again and not to use ads in future which link gambling to sex.

Thursday, 14 August 2014 01:00

Councils are to be given powers to stop funding early-years providers with links to extremism, Education Secretary Nicky Morgan has announced. The move, in England, follows a letter-writing campaign by the British Humanist Association. Members wrote to MPs and responded to a nursery funding consultation, raising concerns about extremist links and creationist teaching in some nurseries. The Department for Education said the change closes ‘a technical loophole’. Mrs Morgan said that toddlers must learn ‘fundamental British values’ and that schools and nurseries that do not ‘support this aim’ should not receive public money. The move comes after allegations that hardline Islamists tried to take over some Birmingham schools in what was dubbed the Trojan Horse plot. Announcing the measures, Mrs Morgan, who replaced Michael Gove as education secretary in last month's Cabinet reshuffle, said there is no place for extremism ‘anywhere in the education system’.

Thursday, 14 August 2014 01:00

In an interview for BBC Radio 4, the Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Rev John Pritchard, responded to recent calls from the National Governors' Association (NGA) for the practice of daily Christian worship in school assemblies to be abolished, reports Christian Concern for our Nation. Last week, the NGA, which represents school governors and trustees in England, called for the 70-year-old requirement, introduced by the 1944 Education Act to be scrapped since ‘schools are not places of worship, but places of education.’ Responding to the comments, Bishop Pritchard highlighted the ‘unique’ role played by school assemblies in both ‘building community’ and allowing children to ‘reflect on the deeper values that underpin the school community’ and shape society at large. He acknowledged that these values are drawn ‘very largely’ from the Christian faith, and that ‘so much of what has made us what we are, has come from a Christian source’. (See also Prayer Alert 25-2014)

Thursday, 07 August 2014 01:00

An ethics committee has been set up to tackle moral issues faced by Greater Manchester Police (GMP) and the area's police and crime commissioner. The independent committee is one of the first of its kind in the country and aims to make recommendations on moral and ethical dilemmas. It will look at issues such as surveillance operations and the use of body cameras and water cannon. Members of the public can make referrals to the committee. The panel of 13 is chaired by the Bishop of Manchester, the Rt Rev David Walker. It includes retired NBA basketball player John Amaechi - who has helped organisations deal with ethical issues - and Ruth Bromley, ethics and law head at Manchester Medical School. GMP Chief Constable Sir Peter Fahy said: ‘There are lots of grey areas in policing.’

Thursday, 07 August 2014 01:00

New research from the housing and homelessness charity Shelter has found that 48 per cent of working 20 to  34 year olds live with their parents because they are unable to afford to rent or buy their own home. Data from the last census shows a quarter of all 20 to 34 year old working adults in England – 1.97 million people – are currently living with their parents. As the latest government figures show average house prices for first-time buyers in the UK have risen by 11.3 per cent in a year, Shelter is urging stronger action to help the 'clipped wing generation' fly the nest. Campbell Robb, chief executive of Shelter, said: ‘The ‘clipped wing generation’ are finding themselves with no choice but to remain living with mum and dad well into adulthood, and those who aren’t lucky enough to have this option instead face a lifetime of unstable, expensive private renting.’