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Super User

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Thursday, 26 July 2012 20:02

The Government has lifted Sunday trading laws for the duration of the Olympics in an attempt to boost the economy, the BBC has reported. Currently, laws permit shops with a floor area of more than 280 square metres (3000 square feet) to open for no longer than six hours between 10:00 and 18:00 on a Sunday. But a spokesman for the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills said that shops would be ‘free to choose their opening hours on a Sunday’ with ‘no restrictions on these hours’ until the Olympics Games are over in September. The move has been criticised by the shop workers’ union Usdaw who claim that there is ‘no evidence’ that the suspension will help retailers to maximise profits. Concerns have also been raised that the move will pave the way for a permanent relaxation of the laws restricting Sunday trading.

Pray: that the Government would abide by its commitment that this would be a temporary suspension and not lead to extending Sunday opening hours. (Gen.2:3 & Ex.35:2)


Saturday, 11 August 2012 16:16

Many Olympic venues are already achieving iconic status - but one about to enter the public’s consciousness already has an illustrious history. Next Saturday and Sunday the Salvation Army-owned Hadleigh Farm in Essex will play host to the Games’ mountain biking event. It will be the first time an Olympics event has been hosted on land owned by the Salvation Army. The commercial farm is more than 120 years old and is continuing the work started by William Booth in helping unemployed or marginalized members of society to retrain and find employment. Comprising 600 acres of crop and 300 acres of organic grassland with a highly-regarded tea room and farm shop, it also houses a training centre to help people with special educational needs learn subjects such as IT and carpentry.

Pray: that this event will raise awareness of the work of the Salvation Army at Hadleigh Farm amongst those with special needs. (Ps.135:13-14)


Friday, 03 August 2012 21:13

In a BBC radio broadcast, Anglican canon Duncan Green called on people everywhere in the world to live together in peace and harmony, in the spirit of the Olympic Games. The Multi-Faith Centre at the Olympic Village will be run by 50 chaplains working on shift around the clock and catering for the spiritual health needs of athletes from countries where Judaism, Islam, Christianity, and other religions are widespread. Many of the Church of England's parishes are planning events to coincide with the Olympic Games, while Anglican and Roman Catholic churches are organizing ‘large screen’ festivals which will bring together as many as 500,000 people. British churches will be supported by thousands of volunteers from Britain, the US, Latin America, and Scandinavia. Christian churches are providing free accommodation for more than 350 family members of athletes who would otherwise not have been able to attend the Games because of costly hotel prices.

Pray: for the volunteers, many working instead of taking a vacation, to experience God’s blessings on all they undertake in His name. (Ps.145:1-7)


Thursday, 26 July 2012 20:10

In partnership with Healing on the Streets mission teams from around the UK will be sent out from The Cornerstone, Leyton to Olympic Live Sites and other festival events in the vicinity of the Olympic Park. From Saturday 28th July until August 12th there will be two training sessions everyday in the morning from 10am - 12pm and in the afternoon from 2pm - 4pm. The
organisers of this powerful witness to London of God’s power and love are inviting Christians to come and be a part of what He is doing at this time. Basic training is provided for those who sign up at and Christians who are already part of HOTS in their local communities are being made welcome to join the London teams with the dates and the times they would like to come. They just need to email the organisers with the dates and times they would like to come to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pray: that many who have never previously been a part of Healing on the Streets would sign up for basic training and experience God's power and love in the coming weeks. (SoS.8:6)


Thursday, 30 June 2011 15:03

With just 400 days to go before the start of the London Olympics, the Church of England has released a prayer for those preparing for the 2012 Games. It asks God to be with the athletes, their supporters and families, and the thousands of churches preparing to organise Olympics-themed events in their communities. The Church of England is just one of the members of ‘More Than Gold’, which supports churches of all denominations around the UK with resources and ideas as they prepare to engage with the Games. The Revd Duncan Green, the Church of England's Executive Olympics Coordinator, said: ‘It has been wonderful to see so many attend the More Than Gold training conferences and leave excited and enthused by what they have heard. This prayer will encourage churches and all those preparing for the 2012 Games.’ The Torch Run See for example an opportunity to cover the country in prayer.

Pray: for all those working with More Than Gold that their outreach during the Games will be amazing. (Mk.16:15)


Friday, 20 July 2012 18:22

Churches across the UK are being called to pray and ring their bells on the first day of the Olympics. The London Organising Committee (LOCOG) is asking people to ring bells for three minutes, starting at 8:12am on 27 July. LOCOG is encouraging ‘any bell, anyone, anytime’. More Than Gold, the group spearheading church outreach during the 2012 Games, is asking churches everywhere to ring their bells and pray ‘for God’s Kingdom to come and for a turning to come in our nations’. It will also be an opportunity to celebrate the end of More Than Gold's 70-day prayer relay, which accompanied the Olympic torch relay. Batons containing prayers have been handed over from community to community and as the torch and the prayer relay have travelled through each area, individuals and churches have taken time to pray for the Games and those involved, as well as for their own communities.

Pray: that all the prayers offered will lead to God’s blessing for all those involved over the Games. (Gen.12:2)


Thursday, 30 August 2012 16:00

It’s been 12 years since athletes with learning disabilities competed in The Paralympic games. This year British athletes with learning disabilities will compete in athletics, swimming and table tennis, and they may compete in more events in Rio 2016. National sports manager from Mencap said, ‘A learning disability is an unseen disability and can be more difficult to understand in a sporting environment. A learning disability affects the way someone's brain works. So in sport it might affect their ability to think strategically or in running it might be the way they pace themselves during a race.’ Paralympic swimmer Dan Pepper struggles to remember how many lengths he has done or which stroke he is doing, but said he has coping strategies to overcome the problem. He said, ‘I'm quite different to most other swimmers’ they like to be really rested but I like to swim quite hard before I race.’ For insights into understanding adults with special needs go to

Pray: for people to have a greater understanding of how to value and support people with learning disabilities so that they live their lives to the full. (Ecc.7:8)


Friday, 07 September 2012 11:07

The high number of records being broken at the London 2012 Paralympics is more down to the quality of athletes than improved technology, organisers say. At the half way point of the Games, 228 Paralympic records have been broken, compared with 339 in total at Beijing. Controversial comments by Blade Runner Oscar Pistorius have prompted questions about whether rules on technology used by athletes need to be tightened, but officials say records are being broken as athletes are working harder. ‘Our athletes are getting better training and better funding,’ said International Paralympics Committee Communications Director Craig Spence. There are now more Paralympic competitors who are full-time athletes rather than competing as a hobby, Mr Spence told the BBC. He added that the margin by which records were being broken was also plateauing, Athletes are getting better,’ said Mr Spence. ‘With hard work come more records.’

Pray: for all the athletes that they will be rewarded for all their hard work. (Ps.103:22)



Friday, 24 August 2012 09:42

St Paul’s Cathedral will echo with an unaccustomed sound on the Sunday after next: a three-a-side wheelchair-basketball game is to be played beneath the dome during a service to mark the opening of the Paralympic Games the following Wednesday. The Bishop of London, the Rt Revd Richard Chartres, will preside, and the service will begin when Chris Holmes, the blind Paralympian swimmer, runs in through the Great West doors with a laurel wreath, and places it on the altar. Baroness Grey-Thompson, who won 16 Paralympic medals during her sporting career, will give the address. Lord Coe and Dame Tessa Jowell MP are expected to attend. In a message to the 2700 young people who volunteered to be ‘ambassadors for Christ’ during the Games, Bishop Chartres said: ‘Without seeking to undermine the Prime Minister's emphasis on the virtues of competition, I think that you all deserve a medal.’

Pray: that the success of the Games will continue and the Paralympic Games will add to the amazing legacy already achieved. (Heb.12:1)


Friday, 03 August 2012 21:08

Pakistanis are very excited watching their players show their best performance and send a message of peace to the world. For several years sports events have faced challenges in Pakistan. The memory of winning titles brings back smiles and provides a chance to people of all walks of life to celebrate. According to the Pakistan Olympic Association, ‘There are 18 hockey players, two athletes, two swimmers, a shooter, 23 players, and 16 officials taking part in the 2012 Olympics.’ Assist News Service Pakistan spoke to many Christian sports players and various other people to find out what they are saying about Olympics 2012, and what they expect from their players. Johnson Gill Christian cricket coach and Gospel minister said, ‘I am with my team, and wish them best of luck as Pakistan badly needs to win gold medals to bring back the Games to Pakistan.’

Pray: for international impartiality and the true Olympic spirit to be displayed throughout the Games. (Pr.22:1)
