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Thursday, 08 December 2011 19:18

An assistant editor at The Guardian and the Labour MP Chris Bryant have both hit out at a secularist pressure group’s attempt to ban a local council from saying prayers. Last week the National Secular Society (NSS) went to the High Court in an attempt to end Bideford Town Council’s practice of saying prayers at the start of its meetings. Commenting on the case Michael White an assistant editor at The Guardian, warned that the case raised a wider question ‘about the intolerant impulse many people have to inflict their views on others’. He said that ‘communities should surely be allowed to sort out their own arrangements’ without interference from the NSS. And Chris Bryant, the Labour MP for Rhondda, questioned why the case had even gone to court. Mr Bryant said ‘surely the 16 members of Bideford Council, who have already voted on this twice, should be allowed to pray, if they want to.’

Pray: for the Bideford Council to be empowered in their stand and for the NSS to recognise that a period of reflection is helpful before meetings. (Job.33:26)


Thursday, 12 January 2012 12:40

Grim predictions for UK family finances up to 2015 are revealed in new evidence produced by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) for the Family and Parenting Institute (FPI), published yesterday. The report says the median income among families with children is projected to fall between 2010 and 2015 by 4.2 per cent. For a couple with two children this equates to £1,250 less a year by 2015. Families with children aged under five, families with more than two children, and lone parent families not in paid work will bear the biggest financial pain in years ahead, says the research. The report, is the first to reveal the prospects for poverty rates and income for different family types up to the year 2015. Dr Katherine Rake, Chief Executive of the FPI, commented: ‘These figures reveal the full extent to which families with children are shouldering the burden of austerity.

Pray: for the Government to ensure there are proper safeguards to protect the most vulnerable from the more serious effects of the austerity measures. (Ps.83:3)


Friday, 03 August 2012 20:41

Britain’s only Green Party council has been accused of ‘violent prejudice’ against Christians as it considers expelling a member who spoke out against same-sex marriage. Christina Summers, a member of Brighton and Hove City Council in Sussex, has been ordered to face a party disciplinary panel after voicing dissent over the issue. She was the only member of the council who at a meeting last week voted against a motion in support of the Government’s plans to allow homosexual couples to marry. Miss Summers, a devout Christian, says that she strongly supports gay rights and the introduction of civil partnerships but could not back the change to marriage laws on religious grounds. She argued that equality did not require changing the traditional definition of marriage and told colleagues it was a matter of ‘freedom of speech’ for her. However, fellow Green councillors voted to launch an ‘official inquiry process’ into her stance, accusing her of bringing the party into disrepute.

Pray: for Christina’s right to express her own belief to be upheld, and may the Green Party respect the principles of free speech. (Ps.19:8)


Monday, 06 February 2012 12:23

Graham Kendrick is calling Christian men in the UK to stand together in prayer and praise this month. He will be leading CVM's Prayer and Praise day in Market Harborough Evangelical Church on February 25. He said: ‘This will be a key day for every man who wants to see men come to faith in Jesus. Prayer and praise is so often the missing jewel in our strategy. It’s an event for Christian men to put in their diaries.’ Hundreds of men are expected to attend the day, which will provide them with the opportunity to pray for their friends and family. CVM's general director, Carl Beech, wants to see more men dedicate their Christian witness and evangelism to God this year. He said: ‘Anyone interested in seeing more men coming to faith should take this opportunity to stand with their brothers in prayer and praise. It’s about drawing a line in the sand and starting this year the right way.

Pray: that many men will respond to this event motivated by the power of The Spirit. (Isa.2:3)


Monday, 17 January 2011 21:16

A Labour MP’s attempt to criticise a Government department for presumed excessive festive spending backfired spectacularly earlier his week. Robert Neill, a minister in the Communities Department, highlighted the Government’s commitment to a Christian Christmas. He was responding to Caroline Flint, Labour’s Shadow Communities and Local Government Secretary. She asked ‘how many Christmas parties and drinks receptions his Department plans to host in December 2010’. Robert Neill, MP for Bromley and Chislehurst, responded on behalf of the Secretary of State, Eric Pickles. He said: ‘As the Secretary of State indicated in his departmental press notice of 29 November 2010, the new Administration is committed to celebrating Christmas, including its Christian heritage. Ministers recognise that we live in frugal times due to the need to pay off the significant public deficit and national debt. But there is no need to play Scrooge. We should not allow politically correct Grinches to marginalise the importance of the birth of Christ.’

Pray: that the UK Government continues to ensure that Christianity is not marginalised. (Jn.1:17)


Monday, 11 February 2013 12:56

Former Government minister Tim Loughton was sacked because of his opposition to redefining marriage, according to reports. He was removed from his ministerial post in September’s Government reshuffle, and close friends say it was because of his support for keeping marriage as it is. Mr Loughton voted against the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill on Tuesday night, together with over 170 other Mps. One Tory MP told the Scotsman newspaper: “Tim was a really good minister whose career was wrecked because of his stance on this issue on a matter of principle. “It shows that, already, this bill is poisoning the party and destroying careers.” David Cameron promised that Tory MPs would have a free vote, but behind the scenes a lot of pressure was applied to stop them breaking rank.

Pray: for God's protection for all those who find themselves pressured or threatened in any way simply for standing up for their beliefs. (Dt.31:6)


Friday, 24 September 2010 16:02

The Evangelical Alliance(EA) has welcomed assurances from Baroness Warsi that this Government ‘does God’ and is ‘comfortable’ with faith. The Government minister made the comments to Church of England bishops last week, adding that the church was ‘at the heart of society’ and that the Labour Government had failed to ‘create policies to unleash the positive power of faith in our society’. The EA head of public affairs, Dr Don Horrocks, said her comments were ‘welcome’ and ‘timely’. He pointed to the work of Christian charities like Redeeming our Communities in Manchester, whose volunteers have been credited with helping to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour. The General Director of the EA, Steve Clifford, said that Christians were ‘already at the heart of serving their communities’ but should grasp the opportunity to get even more involved by being a part of the Government’s Big Society initiative.(See Prayer Alert 3010)

Pray: for Government to act on their words to place the Church at the ‘heart of society’. (Isa.26:2)



Thursday, 24 February 2011 18:54

A week after Prime Minister David Cameron re-launched the initiative, the Jubilee Centre warned that the Big Society would be judged a failure if all it accomplished was the proliferation of charities and volunteers while poverty, inequality and crime remained high. The Centre said that 'the Government should not be allowed to sidestep its responsibilities by passing them on to third sector organisations. I In particular, the Centre pointed to the need to promote religious freedom as it warned that red tape was preventing people from volunteering, particularly people of faith. ‘In reality it is therefore highly unlikely that any Big Society ambitions can succeed without the help of faith groups,’ the Centre said. (See Prayer Alert 3010)

Pray: against confusion and pray for clarity and understanding. (Gal.5:10b)


Thursday, 15 December 2011 19:55

The Government has been heavily criticised by Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, over its decision not to back four British Christians who have taken their cases to the European Court of Human Rights. Lord Carey had appealed to Prime Minister David Cameron, asking him to support the four Christians who were ruled against by British Courts. Among these were Shirley Chaplin and Gary McFarlane, whose cases were handled by the Christian Legal Centre. Two of the four cases relate to the freedom of Christians to wear a cross in the workplace and two concern instances where the freedom of Christians to act in accordance with their conscience has been trumped by homosexual rights. The Government has stood by the British courts and argued that these Christian individuals have not been discriminated against. It further argued that neither the wearing of a cross nor the following of conscience are an integral part of the Christian faith.

Pray: that Lord Carey’s comments will be listened to and lead to a change of heart. (Pr.31:9)


Monday, 08 August 2011 17:19

An investigation into how Sharia courts are operating in the UK has been dropped after the inquiry faced ‘challenges to undertaking more robust research’, reports Christian Concern for our Nation. The Ministry of Justice probe was launched due to concerns that some judgments of Sharia courts contravene English law. The Ministry of Justice said ‘The challenges to undertaking more robust research were that the councils are generally run on a volunteer basis, were short staffed and very busy, so there were practical difficulties in speaking with respondents.’ Andrea Williams, CEO of Christian Concern, commented: ‘The activity of Sharia courts in this country is shrouded in secrecy. The failure of these councils to co-operate with the Government investigation does not alter this impression. It is important that the truth comes to light both to ensure that they are complying with English law and for the protection of women and children.’

Pray: against the bland acceptance of a situation just because it is challenging to investigate it. (Rev.3:2)
