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Saturday, 27 October 2012 16:10

A judge has controversially ruled that Northern Ireland must allow gay couples to adopt children, despite widespread opposition. Northern Ireland’s health minister, Edwin Poots, has vowed to ‘urgently appeal’ against the ruling, warning that it could hinder further adoption reforms. An official public consultation into whether to allow gay adoption in Northern Ireland showed that 95 per cent of respondents were opposed to the move. But the taxpayer-funded Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission took the matter to court, and a judge ruled in their favour last Thursday. Mr Poots says the ruling has not altered his position or the position of his department. He said: ‘It is my intention to urgently appeal this judgment and I am taking this action with a heavy heart.’ He added: ‘I have already publicly declared my intention to reform Northern Ireland adoption law because reform is much needed and long overdue’.

Pray: that the appeal will reverse the decision and allow Godly judgement to rule. (Jn.9:31)


Thursday, 30 June 2011 15:05

A Christian radio station has been allowed to go to court to challenge a ban on an advert which asked Christians to report experiences of workplace marginalisation. The Radio Advertising Clearance Centre (RACC) banned the ad from being aired, ruling that it was ‘politically motivated’. But Premier Christian Radio rejects that, saying the ad addresses a legitimate issue faced by Christians. The ad was due to be aired during May 2010 in order to inform debate during the general election campaign. It said: ‘Surveys have shown that 60% of active Christians are being increasingly marginalised in the work place. We are concerned to get the most accurate data to inform the public debate. We will then use this data to help make a fairer society.’ The station was initially denied leave to challenge the ban in court, but that decision has now been overturned.

Pray: that this opportunity to challenge the ban on this advert would be successful. (Ps.20:2)


Friday, 22 June 2012 10:18

A High Court hearing has begun on the case of a paralysed man who wants legal protection for any doctor who helps to end his life. Tony Nicklinson, 58, from Wiltshire, suffers from locked-in syndrome brought on by a stroke in 2005. He is almost completely paralysed and has to communicate through a special computer. The High Court has heard similar cases on assisted suicide, but the extent of Mr Nicklinson’s paralysis means that a doctor would have to end his life for him, a practice known as euthanasia. Mr Nicklinson told the BBC that his life was a 'living nightmare' and that it was 'unacceptable' in 21st century Britain to be denied the right to take his own life because he was physically handicapped. Mr Nicklinson is asking the court to rule that the existing law breaches his human right to die at his own choosing.

Pray: for wisdom and guidance from God when debating this sensitive and difficult matter. (Jas.1:5)





Thursday, 05 May 2011 15:38

A sex shop that opened up next door to a school uniform store in Truro, Cornwall, will face a courtroom trial after Christians won permission to challenge the licensing decision. The sex shop owner tried to stop the case before it started, saying the shop is already stocked and trading. But last week the High Court nevertheless gave permission for a judicial review of Cornwall Council’s decision to grant a licence. Speaking in November about the legal action against Cornwall Council, The Christian Institute’s Simon Calvert said the case has national implications. He said: ‘There is a serious issue of principle at stake for the whole country, not just Cornwall.’ He added: ‘If it is OK to license shops to sell hard core porn next to premises routinely used by children and families, then nowhere is safe. What next, a sex shop adjacent to a nursery school?’

Pray: for the judicial review to recognise the case that Cornwall Council had ignored the suitability of the location requirement of the law. (Dt.16:20)


Tuesday, 03 December 2013 14:00

consider adoption are ‘actively religious’, a Government survey shows, yet many fear being rejected for their faith. The survey was carried out on behalf of the Department for Education by adoption group First4Adoption. The group has joined with church-based organisation Home for Good to encourage religiously-active people to put themselves forward to adopt children. The survey showed 55 per cent of people in England who said they were ‘certain’ or ‘very likely’ to adopt described themselves as ‘actively practising a religion’ . There are more than 4,600 children in England currently waiting to be adopted and First4Adoption say ‘many more adopters are needed’. The groups have now set up a phone line to ‘encourage more people from faith communities to consider adopting‘. First4Adoption and Home for Good are concerned that many religiously-active people are held back from adopting because they mistakenly believe that they are not able to adopt.

Pray: for more people to consider adopting children and that more and more of them will be people of faith. (Pr.14:26)


Monday, 28 June 2010 15:55

Leicester City Council, in addition to Enfield Council, has banned Christian prayers at the opening of council meetings. Colin Hall, Leicester’s new Lord Mayor and member of the National Secular Society (NSS) says: ‘I personally consider that religion, in whatever shape or form, has no role to play at all in the conduct of council business.’ Jayne Buckland, Mayor of Enfield, has chosen to replace the prayers with poetry readings in a bid to ‘support and encourage the arts'. Last month it was revealed (See Prayer Alert 1910) that the NSS was trying to use the courts to ban the North Devon Council of Bideford from starting its meetings with Christian prayers. London’s Mayor Boris Johnson slammed the NSS’s campaign, pointing out that Parliament has prayers before its meetings, and that it is helpful for both believers and non-believers. These examples reflect the growing influence of the NSS on our civil life.

Pray: that Christian prayers will be reintroduced by future civic leaders where they have been banned. Pray about the anti-Christian influence of the National Secular Society. (Lk.18:7-8)


Friday, 02 July 2010 19:04

The families of seven servicemen killed in Afghanistan joined thousands of well-wishers yesterday evening as their coffins were driven through Wootton Bassett in Wiltshire. It was the largest single repatriation since the bodies of eight soldiers were returned to RAF Lyneham last July. Family members placed flowers on top of the hearses as they paused for a minute's silence next to Wootton Bassett's War Memorial. Many relatives wore T-shirts bearing the name of their family member. The hearses carried on to a hospital in Oxford, where post-mortems are due to take place. Among the many former service personnel attending was Lance Corporal Mark Barber, 22, of the Household Cavalry, who knewtwo of the dead soldiers, Isaac and Halliday. ‘The way they died was just terrible. We've come here to pay our respects,’ he said.

Pray: for the families of those who have died in this conflict and for those who place their lives at risk daily. (Mt.5:4)


Saturday, 04 August 2012 12:48

Micah Challenge has partnered with Christian Aid and Compassion UK to produce a new DVD entitled ‘The Jesus Agenda’. This new production is actually a 9-week DVD-based course, which explores the biblical framework for advocacy through a social engagement perspective. Using the framework put forth by Luke 4:18-19, ‘The Jesus Agenda’ highlights the role of advocacy in the civic sphere and its relationship with the Proclamation, Power and Promise that is taught in Scripture. ‘The Jesus Agenda' aims to raise awareness of God's heart for the poor and how He wants His followers to seek justice for the oppressed,’ the Rev Joel Edwards, Micah Challenge International Director, told The Christian Post. With a new understanding of how followers of Christ are to seek justice for the neglected and marginalised, 'The Jesus Agenda' will enable advocates from around the globe the opportunity to be better informed and prepared so as to demand action from local governments.

Pray: for many to follow the DVD course and that it will have a far-reaching practical impact. (Lk 4:18-19)




Friday, 16 August 2013 20:09

Last May, the Evangelical Alliance (EA) conducted research on the experiences of 15 Christians in Wales who had converted from Muslim backgrounds. Muslim-background believers (MBBs) in Wales number approximately 300, with the majority coming from a Persian background. Apart from Persian MBBs, there are also individuals in Wales from other backgrounds, some British born, others not, including Somalian, Afghan, Turkish and Pakistani. MBBs in Wales enjoy, as would be expected, a great degree of religious freedom, there is also the possibility of individuals feeling threatened or intimidated by their community or family members because of their decision to convert. The trend of Iranians leaving Islam is a social phenomenon occurring throughout the West and is rooted in a number of issues: the perception that Islam is a foreign religion that has been foisted upon them (Zoroastrianism was the ancient religion of the region) and their exposure to a particularly harsh version of political Islam in Iran are both contributing factors.

Pray: that the Holy Spirit will continue touching the lives of Muslims and pray that Christians will come alongside and encourage.(Mk.16:15-18)



Monday, 14 January 2013 10:49

As Britain continues to have the highest rate of teenage pregnancies in Western Europe, school children under the age of consent are being given the pill without the consent of their parents. In hundreds of state secondary schools across the country condoms are also being offered to pupils under 16 years old (the legal age of consent). And if they express an interest, girls are referred for contraceptive injections and implants. School nurses providing advice and referrals — without the consent of parents — is seen as the only way to reach the most at-risk girls. In one case a 14 year old girl with a headache was refused an aspirin by the school nurse because parental consent was required, yet she was offered a confidential service on contraception. Policy is set in education authorities, but the confidential service is already offered in areas including Bristol, Berkshire, Peterborough, West Midlands, Northumbria and County Durham.

Pray: for authorities and parents to recognise their roles and for them to work together to support teenagers.. (Gal.5:19)
