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Super User

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Thursday, 05 April 2012 14:32

The first attempt at a law introducing an opt-in system to protect children from being bombarded by online pornography has been launched in the House of Lords. A Private Member’s Bill has been introduced by Baroness Howe with the backing of Christian charity Care. The Bill would require internet service providers and mobile phone operators to block internet porn, unless a customer aged 18 or over asks to have access to such content. A Private Member’s Bill rarely becomes law unless the Government gets behind it. Claire Perry MP, who recently convened a cross-party enquiry into online child safety, said she was pleased the issue was being raised. She said: ‘The Howe Bill addresses very effectively one of the greatest challenges for UK parents today, protecting children online. It is a timely and important piece of legislation that I hope will have a big impact.’

Pray: that this Private Members Bill will receive Government backing and become law. (Ne.1:11)


Saturday, 12 October 2013 12:52

Deployed members of the Armed Forces with sick relatives at home.Many of our service personnel serving in various areas around the world, but especially those in Afghanistan, are having to cope with the knowledge that loved ones are seriously ill back home. Elderly parents, grandparents and sick children can cause real concern but unless they are dangerously ill the soldier cannot get compassionate leave to be with them. This can cause extra stress on top of the deployment duties and a sense of helplessness and isolation at the time of the families needs. Pray: that those soldiers affected will have peace about their loved ones while on active duty so they are not distracted and remain vigilant.

Pray that those caring for the sick will be are strengthened and receive the support they need. (Is.54:13)


Thursday, 04 November 2010 14:05

Yobs in West Yorkshire burned Bibles and slashed hymnbooks in an attack against a Methodist church in a village near Bradford. The attack on Birkenshaw Methodist Church was discovered earlier this week when an art group went to hold their meeting. A large crucifix had been ripped from an interior wall, chairs slashed, and wires leading to the church’s speakers and piano keyboard cut. Rev Graham Edwards, the church’s minister, said: ‘Everyone is very upset and it is very sad to go to the effort of refurbishing the whole place to find somebody will break in and, for what seems like no reason at all, will destroy and ruin things’. The church has 61 members and was refurbished two years ago. This attack could cost them a further £2,000. In Westry, near March, a 19th century Cambridgeshire church was gutted by a massive fire, reportedly started when yobs set Bibles and prayer books alight.

Pray: that God will infuse His people with His Spirit in their fight against their attackers. (Ps.92:7)


Thursday, 15 September 2011 17:57

Church insurance specialist, Chris Knott Insurance, has picked up the tab for a unique Bible tour taking place this month. The tour is part of year-long celebrations marking the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible. Premier Christian Radio presenter, the Rev Victor Robert Farrell, will preach from the 66 books of the Bible at each stop of the 66 city-tour over 66 days. He set off from London on Sunday and will finish back in the capital on November 16 - 16/11, a reference to 1611, the year the King James Bible was completed. Rev Farrell said: ‘What makes this tour so unique is that this is potentially the last year we’ll have just 66 cities in the UK. The Queen can grant city status to any growing town and it is expected she will do so next year as part of her Diamond Jubilee celebrations.’

Pray: for this opportunity to promote the Bible around the country; may all those that hear be blessed. (Ps.40:5)


Friday, 16 August 2013 19:58

The Bible could be jettisoned by the BBC’s popular radio show, Desert Island Discs, according to a source within the broadcaster. The show asks guests which records they would take with them if exiled on an island, and they have been given the Bible and the complete works of Shakespeare as well by default. But, according to a report in The Independent, a BBC source says there have been discussions about whether to end the presumption about the Bible after more than 70 years on the show. The BBC has denied that there are any plans or discussions to remove the Bible from the programme. The alleged discussions have come months after the death of the show’s creator’s widow, who previously owned the rights to the programme. The National Secular Society has called for the Bible to be dropped from the show. But atheists including author Philip Pullman have responded positively to the inclusion of the Bible.

Pray: against any further cutting of our Christian foundations. (Ps.11:3)


Monday, 25 November 2013 11:23

Campaigners are urging the Government to give workers the legal right to paid leave if they have been affected by a family bereavement amid growing public support for the move. Two thirds of people said it was unfair that bereavement leave was unpaid, a survey of more than 1,500 adults showed. TUC general secretary Frances O'Grady said: "Most people will be surprised to learn that unless they have an understanding employer, they may not be able to take much time off work following a death in the family, and if they are, any compassionate leave will almost certainly be unpaid. Coping with the sudden loss of a loved one is traumatic enough without having to worry about work too. The Government should do the right thing and give people a legal right to paid time away from their jobs after someone close to them has died.“

Pray: for carefor all those who are bereaved and appropriate support for those who are temporarily unable to work following bereavement. (2Co.1:3-4)


Friday, 05 April 2013 11:29

Churches say the benefit cuts which came into place April 1 are ‘unjust’ and hit the poorest hardest. The changes include the introduction of the so-called 'Bedroom Tax', which will mean cuts to housing benefit for some social housing tenants with a spare room. Around a third of families in social housing will be affected by the change. The up-rating of working-age benefits and tax credits at around a third of the rate of inflation will mean a real-term cut in payments, affecting especiallythose on the minimum wage and people out of work. The Government hopes to make savings of 20% by replacing the Disability Living Allowance with the Personal Independence Payment. The warning has come from the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church, the United Reformed Church and the Church of Scotland, who say that the most vulnerable are paying a ‘disproportionate price’ in the Government's austerity measures.

Pray: that the Government will consider those that are most vulnerable and make allowances and be prepared to listen. (Is.10:1)



Thursday, 23 June 2011 14:30

Violence at the Lower Newtownards Road interface is a recurring theme in the history of sectarian trouble in Northern Ireland. On the cusp of east Belfast, the nationalist enclave of Short Strand sits beside estates and streets populated almost exclusively by loyalists. The only thing separating the two communities are several ‘peace walls’ - high artificial barriers which physically separate Catholic and Protestant homes. Across Belfast, there are now more such walls than there were when republican and loyalist paramilitaries first went on ceasefire in 1994. In some areas, including the Newtownards Road interface, political progress has not meant an end to sectarian strife. Police officers and civilians were regularly injured while some residents chose to move to other parts of Belfast rather than continue to live in an area blighted by violence.

Pray: against this further outbreak of sectarian violence and pray that peace would prevail. (Ps.34:14)



Thursday, 14 July 2011 14:14

Police and community representatives are appealing for calm after trouble in west and north Belfast. An investigation is under way into the possibility that shots were fired in west Belfast during the trouble. Petrol bombs and other missiles have been thrown at police during rioting in the Ardoyne area of north Belfast. The trouble broke out after police in riot gear took up position ahead of an Orange parade walking past the Ardoyne shops on Tuesday evening. Stones, bottles and fireworks were thrown at police. Water cannon was used to push back the crowd of about 200 people. Community worker Robert McClenaghan, from the Falls Residents Association, said the violence was organised by nationalist youths. Crowds of nationalists threw petrol bombs and masonry at police who fired plastic bullets in the Broadway and Oldpark areas. Mr McClenaghan said the violence was ‘nothing but thuggery’.

Pray: against this annual violence and pray for a cessation of hostilities and reconciliation. (2Co.5:19)


Thursday, 20 September 2012 14:16

The recent outbreak of rioting in North Belfast was an indication that the political peace process had not yet completed the transformation of society in the area, according to Methodist minister the Rev Dr Gary Mason. In an article for last week’s Methodist Recorder (‘Displaying grace and building community’, September 7) Dr Mason had written presciently that peacemakers were ‘haunted’ by the notion that the peace process ‘could simply result in a form of benign apartheid, with segregation now worse than it was when the conflict began in 1968. The reality is that on the ground in the inner city that is pretty much the picture.’ He also said that many ‘peace walls’ had been built separating communities since the Good Friday Agreement in 1998.

Pray: that the peace process will not cease but continue to move forward to complete its transformation. (Ro.12:2)
