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Thursday, 01 August 2013 18:57

The Co-operative has given so-called lads' mags six weeks to cover up their front pages with sealed ‘modesty bags’ or be taken off sale in its stores. The 4,000-outlet retailer said it was responding to concerns by its members, customers and colleagues about images of scantily-clad women on covers. Titles such as Front, Loaded, Nuts and Zoo have been given a deadline of 9 September by the Co-op. An industry body said the titles showed the ‘diverse interests of young men’. The Co-op, which is owned and run by its more than seven million members, introduced opaque screens for lads' magazines on some shelves earlier this month. Steve Murrells, retail chief executive for the Co-operative Group, said: ‘As a community-based retailer, we have listened to the concerns of our customers and members, many of whom say they object to their children being able to see overt sexual images in our stores.’

Pray: for the success of this initiative and pray that other retailers will also take up the cause. (Ps.118:25)



Tuesday, 01 February 2011 15:11

Children are to be taught about homosexuality in maths, geography and science lessons as part of a Government-backed drive to ‘celebrate the gay community’. Lesson plans have been drawn up for pupils as young as four, in a scheme funded with a £35,000 grant from an education quango, the Training and Development Agency for Schools. The initiative will be officially launched next month at the start of ‘LGBT History Month’, an initiative to encourage teaching about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual issues. The lesson plans, spread across the curriculum, will be offered to all schools, which can choose whether or not to make use of them. Craig Whittaker, Conservative MP for Calder Valley and a member of the Education Select Committee, criticised the scheme as a distraction from teaching 'core' subjects and a poor use of public money.

Pray: for schools to consider carefully how the minority nature of such material is out of proportion to the LGB community. (Jas.4:7)


Thursday, 10 February 2011 15:24

A Dutch Church of Scotland minister has been appointed to one of Britain’s most prominent chaplaincy posts. The Rev Martin Grashoff will take over as chaplain to the oil and gas industry on 1 March 2011. His predecessor, the Rev Andrew Jolly MBE, died last year at age 54 from cancer. Rev Grashoff will be a pastor to workers on the British oil and gas rigs and installations, as well as to their families, and also will connect with the industry onshore and with churches. ‘I will have to go out and meet them where they work and live. For me it is a strong and positive challenge to find God out in the world and be led from there. It may seem odd to enjoy going to a 'parish' with over 32,000 people, stretching from the Shetlands to the South of England, but I really do enjoy the prospect. I'll be kind of a Flying Dutchman,’ he said.

Pray: that as he pastors workers and their families in such a diverse environment God’s kingdom will be revealed. (Mt.22:37-39).


Monday, 08 October 2012 12:03

The newly formed Centre for Living Christianity, dubbed CLiC for short, was launched in Edinburgh last weekend with an informal social event reflecting what it calls its ‘relaxed but thoughtful’ approach to exploring religious faith in a sceptical age. Those attending heard about the vision and plans for the new initiative, which describes itself as ‘exploring faith at the crossroads.’ The event's name is a counterpoint to the famous 'Last Supper' that Jesus Christ shared with his friends and followers the night before he faced trial and death, and the meal Christians share to participate in his risen life. ‘CLiC is for those interested in exploring how to live out Christianity in the modern world, in a way which is thoughtful and faithful,’ says the Rev Donald Reid. ‘It is about how to understand Christianity from the margins of a society which is both diversely spiritual and secular.’

Pray: for the CLiC initiative and that it may encourage and support many as they seek to live a Christian life. (Lk.9:23)


Friday, 13 May 2011 20:12

The Archbishop of York reflected on Sting's lyrics 'They Dance Alone' on BBC Radio 2 last week. He explained that during the Pinochet rule Chilean women pinned, on their dresses or blouses, photographs of disappeared loved ones. Sting’s lyrics and music of the song, ‘They Dance Alone’, captured their pain vividly. He went on to talk about how he spoke to Kate, the mother of Madeleine McCann, recently at a vigil in York Minster for another ‘disappeared’ daughter, Claudia Lawrence. She told me that it was only after Madeleine was taken from them that she and her husband Gerry learned how many children go missing each year from all around the world. The scale of the problem is so huge; it’s surprising we don’t hear more about it. The Bishop said, ‘For four years I have prayed regularly for Madeleine McCann, and for all other missing children that they may be safe, free from fear and anxiety.’

Pray: on this fourth anniversary of Madeleine’s abduction, for her and all missing children in our global village. (Je.23:4)


Sunday, 29 September 2013 19:57

Bertolt Meyer, the academic known as "the bionic man", said yesterday that scientists and engineers should not be allowed to launch some technological advances on the open market without a prior ethical debate. Meyer, a key speaker at the first FutureFest event last weekend, has had a cutting-edge £40,000 artificial lower arm and hand since 2009. He queried whether the public ought to let the laws of supply and demand decide how the human race moves towards a probable "bionic" future; a time where the bodies of those with access and money can be enhanced and augmented. "We are reaching the point where people with artificial limbs may have an advantage. It they start to appeal to everyone, a mass market will develop," he said. Engineers on the frontline of research are not always prepared to think through the impact of their work and the ethical dilemmas involved, he argued.

Pray: for a considered international debate about the ethics and availability of developments in human bionics. (1Cor.6:19-20)


Thursday, 02 May 2013 19:50

Ann Widdecombe has called on Christians to put pressure on the UK government to take action against persecution of Christians overseas – and to stop it developing here. Speaking at an event held last week in south London, the former government minister and media personality warned that today's ‘small scale persecution’ of UK Christians could dramatically worsen unless people began to ‘fight back’. Her message calling on Christians to ‘be extremely vigilant’ was delivered at an event organised by Aid to the Church in Need, the Catholic charity for persecuted and other suffering Christians. The former MP, who was speaking on the 20th anniversary of her conversion to Catholicism, said: ‘It's very easy to look at extreme cases abroad, to say thank God we don't have that here and then to overlook what we do have here, which is an increasing intolerance and marginalisation towards, and of, Christians.’

Pray: that Christians everywhere will be vigilant and seek God’s wisdom. (Pr.4:6)



Monday, 24 September 2012 20:09

The Church of England has claimed that banks corrupt the people who work for them. In a scathing report, the Church argues that banking employees with high moral values are being encouraged to leave them at the office door. It is now calling for a debate on whether, instead of few 'bad apples' being weeded out, the 'whole orchard need replanting'. The submission, to the parliamentary commission on banking standards, urges City workers to draw a lesson from fishermen who risk losing money by cutting their nets adrift to aid rivals whose boats get into trouble. 'There is evidence that in many professions, but notably in finance and banking, practitioners who have a strong moral sense which they seek to live by in their private lives believe that such standards and ethics are impossible to apply in the corporate world.

Pray: that the banking community will recognise that building on good moral and ethical standards will bring benefits such as confidence and trust from their customers. (1Co.15:58)


Thursday, 26 March 2015 00:00

Russia’s intervention in Ukraine is a big concern for Poles who fear Moscow might be planning an invasion of their country. This has reportedly resulted in increasing numbers of Poles joining volunteer paramilitary groups that provide basic military training. Up to now, the Polish government has ignored unofficial militias. Now it is reportedly seeking a way to harness the 120 volunteer groups that boast a membership of 10,000. Some 800 members of paramilitary groups gathered in Warsaw on March 20 to attend a meeting hosted by the defence ministry. Defence Minister Tomasz Siemoniak announced the government’s decision to pay the wages of 2,500 people who would form the backbone of local volunteer units to be mobilised in the event of a war. In an interview with Reuters, the Polish President's chief security adviser, General Stanislaw Koziej, said the new approach had been prompted by the conflict in neighbouring Ukraine, where Russia is accused of fighting alongside pro-Moscow separatists.

Thursday, 26 March 2015 00:00

Churches have opened their doors in the wake of Tuesday's Germanwings Airbus crash in the French Alps, which killed all 150 people on board. Sixteen of those who died were teenagers on a Spanish exchange programme from Joseph-Koenig school in Germany. Two of their teachers were also on the plane. The local Catholic Church in Haltern, St Sixtus, was reportedly open all night for mourners. Hundreds of people visited the church after the news broke yesterday to light candles and write messages of condolence to the families of those who died. At the school just 1.5km away, residents covered the entrance with flowers and red and white candles. Deputy Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Sylvia Loehrmann, told reporters on Wednesday: ‘We can only share that pain and maybe some comfort can grow from that sharing. All of Germany is mourning with us and the whole world is sending us messages.’ At least three Britons were also killed.