The World is Turning Featured

Written by Natasha Ruddock 18 Sep 2018
The World is Turning

Of course, it is. If it stopped I presume we would all fall off! The earth goes around the sun every day of the year. It rotates every 23 hours 56 minutes, the sun turns at 43,000 miles per hour, the Milky Way turns at around 1.3 million miles per hour. Incredible to think that some believe it is all by chance. Everything is turning in accordance with the will of the One who created it. To all astrologers out there please forgive me if my facts are not absolutely correct. When I heard that the Americans were sending a probe to the sun I thought they must be going up at night!!

As with all journeys, decisions taken regarding turning can have good and bad consequences. Every day we see and read of the consequences for individuals, communities and nations who have decided to turn from God and His ways.

At the same time (not reported by mainstream media) we are hearing of communities and nations who are turning to Jesus and finding in Him truth and life. More people from every tribe and language have turned to Christ in recent years than in all the time since He walked on the earth. Still today despite man’s efforts to stop it through legislation, violence, and persecution, boys and girls, women and men all around the world are turning their backs on false religions, false idols, false ideologies and turning to the one who is the Saviour and Creator of the world.

We are hearing of national political leaders dedicating their nation to God and declaring their faith in Jesus. We are increasingly seeing national Christian leaders turning from their denominational inclusivity to a heart unity through which they are seeing God's abundant blessing. We are hearing of communities being transformed as people turn from greed, selfishness, and hatred and allow the Kingdom of God to break out in all its love, kindness, generosity and goodness.

Every day the world turns from darkness to light. Every day around the world many thousands are turning from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of light. We say Hallelujah! Let’s keep praying!

Ian Cole

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