Hope for Croatia Featured

Written by Natasha Ruddock 28 Oct 2015
Hope for Croatia

From a source in Croatia;

As you may learn from media, Croatia just has been hit by the major migrant's crisis, as well as many other European countries. The attached photo of the Croatian policeman holding the refugee child was taken the first day and illustrated the warm welcome of the nation to the people that are fleeing from war, or looking for better life in Europe. However, the situation that the politicians convinced us would be easy to manage, the very next day turned into the crisis with no solution on the horizon. In only 10 days, 73,500 immigrants ran over our country on their way to Germany. And as long as Germany would be willing and capable to keep on receiving them, it may probably work to some degree. But, once they reach their limit, it is very likely that hundred's of thousands will be trapped in Croatia. Their desperation could then easy turn into anger and destruction, so please pray for our future as it might become uncertain, perhaps even chaotic.

And though my country has experience with refugees from our war in 90-ties, this is very different. The whole situation is extremely complex. It has it's human trauma at the first place, but it also has a very strange side as the most of those people are traveling with the good amount of money which let us suspect that there might be some hidden agenda behind, perhaps even intentionally to destabilize Europe and bring to the high islamisation of the continent. The problem is yet on the way as the number of incoming people is permanently increasing, they are coming all the way from west Africa to central Asia. Some said that at this moment there are up to 50 millions, mostly Muslims, on their way to Europe.

Facing that situation make me feel bit like the prophet Habakkuk. If we were told only months ago that anything like this would happen, we wouldn't believe. And as the prophet was sad watching the moral corruption of Israel, I also feel sad watching the moral corruption of the "Christian" Europe. And as the Lord was sovereign in dealing with Israel then, I'm afraid that we might be facing similar judgment today as well. It may not be only bad, as it may strengthen the believers and give us the new mission opportunities, but in the social sense, our future might likely become rather dark.

So, please pray for us. I'll do my best to keep on informing you how the situation will be developing. Please pray also for our Hope for Croatia conference that begins tomorrow, especially as the attendance is already affected by the migrant's crisis. As soon as I return back home, I'll be happy to write you how the Lord was working in the hearts of the attendants as well as many other ministries I've been involved in this passing Summer.

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