UPRISING Global gathering in Korea Featured

Written by Natasha Ruddock 19 Jan 2016
UPRISING Global gathering in Korea

Following the World Prayer Assembly held in Indonesia in 2012, Jerome and Abel Ocampo, a Pastor in Manilla who also heads up the Jesus Rev movement in the Philippines, supported by the International Prayer Council (IPC), felt that a call should go out to gather young people from around the world in Korea in 2016 to carry the baton of prayer and mission into their generation and generations to come.

Over recent months a youth dream team and an executive team of which Ian and Pauline Cole are members, have met together with leaders from Korea to talk and pray through the practical, logistical and spiritual requirements for such a gathering which will be held over four days 26-30 July with the final day being a worship event on the North Korean border.

This communication has a twofold purpose.

• Firstly for you to consider attending the UPRISING with young people you know who would grow and be inspired by such a global gathering, and

• Secondly if you are not able to attend, to recommend a young person who could represent your ministry. We are expecting upwards of 2500 young people to attend from many nations. We would love to see a good delegation from the UK and would be happy to appoint a UK coordinator.

For more information go to the United Prayer Rising web site where Pastor Jerome goes into the challenges facing our young people today and the opportunities the UPRISING presents.

Registration is now open, go to www.unitedprayerrising.com
The cost is $80 (US) per person until February, rising to $100 thereafter.

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