Stand together on a global watch Featured

Written by Natasha Ruddock 18 Jan 2017
Stand together on a global watch

At the last Trumpet Call, we stated that 2017 was going to be the year of the extraordinary; extraordinary good things, extraordinary bad things and extraordinary surprise happenings. I believe that this will not only be at local and national level, but most certainly globally.

For Christians around the world, persecution will continue... and the Church will grow. Political shakeups will continue... but the Church will continue to grow. New leaders will emerge... but the church will continue to grow. Brexit will move in one direction or another, elections in several European countries will take place with as yet unseen consequences, but the Church will continue to grow. The gates of hell will not prevail against the Church.

Already planned for this year are several gatherings of Christian Leaders from different Continents, who in waiting on God in prayer and discussion are looking towards the fulfilment of the Great Commission through worldwide prayer and mission out of real unity within the Body of Christ.

This will be a year like never before. We must look beyond the media’s headlines and stories and see what God is doing, and what God is allowing around the world through His Church to bring His Kingdom here as in heaven.

Fellow global watchmen and women, we stand together on a global watch in faith to see, to warn, to rejoice, to pray without ceasing, as the extraordinary unfolds across the nations.

What an extraordinary privilege!

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