UPRISING North America

Written by Super User 08 Jun 2018
UPRISING North America

This an invitation to Pastors, Intercessors, Leaders, Young adults & Youth Leaders, Young adults and Youths to UPRISING Canada: Stand on Guard on August 8-11, 2018

It is so evident that Millennials are faced with challenges never before experienced by generations past. They are asleep or lost interest to the calling of Christ; spiritually dead. In North America, churches are aging while attendance is on a steep decline.

Studies by The Pew Research Centre in Washington, D.C. have determined that adults in the US who identify themselves as “Christians” fell from 78% to 71% within a seven year period. In addition, multiple studies highlight that up to 50% of youth group attendees drift from God after they graduate from high school. Regrettably, Canadian statistics exceed this.

There is no longer any time to hit the snooze button - Jesus Christ’s return is soon-approaching! However, before the Coming of the Son of Man, by faith, we believe that this same generation will be used to usher a new global wave of revival - a revival that the world has never seen before, as declared by many prophets of God.

July 2016 in South Korea marked the beginning of a United Prayer Rising (UPRISING) movement by the youth, for all generations. In South Korea the emerging generation from 36 different nations gathered and where the Millennials were challenged to pray at the DMZ boarders of North and South Korea, where they prayed "ONE DAY, ONE KOREA." On February 2018 in the PeyongChang Olympic Winter Games, a divided nation marched under one flag.

The call was clear: “Awake, O sleeper, arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Ephesians 5:14. Generations past and present - rising from their slumber. They gathered. They prayed. They saw the change in their nation.

The waves keep rolling. A rapid series of global UPRISING movements have since taken place:

  • Philippines, September 2017
  • South Africa, September 2017
  • Malaysia, September 2017
  • Mongolia, October 2017
  • Bolivia, November 2017

…with waves set to sweep through Chile, Brazil, Europe, India, and the United States in 2019.

“In that day I will raise up the booth of David that is fallen and repair its breaches, and raise up its ruins and rebuild it as in the days of old, that they may possess… all the nations who are called by my Name,” declares the Lord who does this.” Amos 9:11-12

The trumpet has sounded, and Canada has heard the call. WE ARE READY TO “STAND ON GUARD”. We are excited to announce that Canada will host the first United Prayer Rising in North America, and with excitement we say that UPRISING Canada: Stand on Guard will be a historic catalyst event.

UPRISING Canada: Stand on Guard will take place on August 8th to 11th, 2018 at The Catch the Fire Toronto (Attwell Centre) - hosted by various churches across the Greater Toronto Area and The Emerging Generation Ministry.   Watch the video: https://youtu.be/rYgXDhqN36o

This will be a 4-day catalytic prayer convergence, for the reversal of the global trend of attack happening among the millennials today. With faith, we will see the re-birth of prayer, missions, and Jesus movements in our nation… as in the days of the well-known Toronto Blessing.

UPRISING Canada will address the Canadian challenges of attacks on this generation. First a three-day destiny conference on August 8-10, 2018 that will have powerful worship sessions, relevant plenary sessions, and empowering breakout prayer sessions. And on August 11, 2018, concluding with a 12 hour united prayer and worship rally for a time of coming to God to face the Generation's spiritual Goliath. For speaker information, please view attached PDF. (August 8-10, 2018 will be a paid conference and August 11, 2018, Solemn Assembly will be free, please visit our website for more details (www.uprisingcanada.com)

Toronto is also known for its vast multi-cultural population. Thus, we will be welcoming participants from all over the world, of those who have heard the call. We are calling forth the emerging generation in Canada and thousands more to rise up! We are expecting thousands to be part of this event.

We ask that you prayerfully consider your participation in UPRISING Canada. It would be a great honour for you to be part of this event, unite the body and the generations for such a time like this. Be involved

in this historic movement. This opportunity is something that we do not want you to miss out on!

For more information or to register for this event, we invite you to visit www.uprisingcanada.com or Facebook: www.facebook.com/UPRISINGCA/ .

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